Data Model
This section shows the available API objects and provides more information on executing SQL to Microsoft Dataverse APIs.
The CData Power BI Connector for Microsoft Dataverse models Microsoft Dataverse entities in relational Tables, Views, and Stored Procedures. The table definitions are dynamically obtained from the OData service you connect to. Any changes in the metadata, such as added or removed columns or changes in data type, can be loaded by reconnecting.
The connector models the writable entities described in the service metadata document as bidirectional tables.
Stored Procedures
Are function-like interfaces to the data source. They can be used to perform additional operations that fall outside of the standard CRUD model such as retrieving an OAuth access token.
Microsoft Dataverse Entities Data Model
Entities Data Model describes the schemas available to connect to Microsoft Dataverse. You can use tables to work with live Microsoft Dataverse data. You can use stored procedures provided by CData Power BI Connector for Microsoft Dataverse to automate working with Microsoft Dataverse data.
Microsoft Dataverse System Data Model
System Data Model describes the schemas available to connect to Microsoft Dataverse. You can use tables to work with live Microsoft Dataverse data. You can use stored procedures provided by CData Power BI Connector for Microsoft Dataverse to automate working with Microsoft Dataverse data.