Power BI Connector for Trello

Build 23.0.8839


Lists all boards that are available to the user.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 will use the Trello API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the driver. For example, the following query is processed server-side:

SELECT * FROM Boards WHERE Starred = 'true'

SELECT * FROM Boards WHERE OrganizationId = '583558863c5859587053200c'

We can retrieve public Trello Boards by providing their Id directly to the query. You can try the query below, which tries to retrieve data from the following board https://trello.com/board/trello-development/4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c

To get the Id of a public board, append ".json" to the board URL ( https://trello.com/b/rq2mYJNn/public-trello-boards.json for example ) and you will see something like "{"id":"4e99eb7aa9797361bc22e6ce", ...". Take that id and use it in a query.

SELECT * FROM Boards WHERE BoardId = '4d5ea62fd76aa1136000000c'


Name Type Description
BoardID [KEY] String The Id of the Board
Name String The name of the Board.
Pinned Boolean Determines if Board is pinned or not.
Starred Boolean Determines if Board is starred or not.
Closed Boolean Determines if Board is archived or not.
Url String Board Url.
DateLastView Datetime Time when it board was last viewed.
MemberID String References the member of the board.
OrganizationID String References the organization of which the board is part of.
MyCustomFieldName String My custom field.

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Build 23.0.8839