Power BI Connector for Trello

Build 23.0.8839


Lists different actions made on Organization/Board/Card determined by type.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 will use the Trello API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the driver. For example, the following queries are processed server-side: Actions differ from each other from their type.

SELECT * FROM Actions WHERE Type = 'commentCard' AND CardId = '56eae4d5eb3eb531f1ab43af'
We are retrieving all comment actions made on Card with CardId = '56eae4d5eb3eb531f1ab43af'.
SELECT * FROM Actions WHERE Type = 'addMemberToBoard' AND BoardId = '5835595ee004411c6abdbfbd'
We are retrieving all add member actions made on Board with BoardId = '56eae4d5eb3eb531f1ab43af'.

For a full list of actions types, visit: https://developers.trello.com/reference#action-types

If BoardId and OrganizationId are not present in the connection properties or in query ( in the case of

, for example) all logged actions of the user will be returned,

otherwise if BoardId is specified,

will return all Actions of the board. Because a board can have many actions, the query may take a while to execute.

If OrganizationId is specified

will return all actions actions on the organization.

If both properties are present

will return all Actions of the board.


Name Type Description
ActionId [KEY] String The Id of the action
Type String The action type (possible values https://developers.trello.com/reference#action-types)
Date Datetime Date created
BoardID String The Id of the board which the action references.
ListName String The name of the list which the action references.
ListID String The Id of the list which the action references.
CardID String The Id of the card which the action references.
CardName String The name of the card which the action references.
CardShortLink String The link of the card which the action references.
MemberId String The Id of the member associated with the action.
MemberName String The name of the member associated with the action.
OldPosition String The old position of the card when you move it up or down inside a list.
ListAfterId String The old position of the card when you move it up or down inside a list.
ListBeforeId String The old position of the card when you move it up or down inside a list.
OrganizationID String The Id of the organization which the action references.
Comment String The comment body if the action is of type commentCard
CreatedDate Datetime The time the action was created.

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Build 23.0.8839