ODBC Driver for Trello

Build 23.0.8839




CData ODBC Driver for Trello ビュー

Name Description
Actions Lists different actions made on Organization/Board/Card determined by type.
BoardPlugins Lists all plugins enabled for each board.
BoardPreferences Lists preferences of the boards.
Boards Lists all boards that are available to the user.
BoardStars Lists all the Boards that the user has starred.
CardAttachments Lists all the attachments of each card.
CardChecklists Lists all checklists that have been created.
CardLabels Lists all labels assigned to each card.
CardMembers Lists all members assigned to each card.
CardStickers Lists all stickers for each card.
CheckListItems Lists all items found on checklists.
Checklists Lists all checklists found on boards.
Enterprises Gets information about an enterprise.
Exports Lists all exports of the organizations.
Labels Lists all labels of the boards.
Lists Lists all the lists that have been created on boards.
Memberships Lists all members associated with the boards.
Notifications Lists all notifications of the user logged.
OrganizationPreferences Lists preferences of the boards.
Organizations Lists all organizations where the user is associated.
PluginData Get data from plugins that have been enabled on board.
Reactions Lists all Reactions made on the logged users Actions.
TokenPermissions Gets information about read and write permissions.

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Build 23.0.8839