SSIS Components for Sansan

Build 24.0.8963


Create and query all the Bizcards that the user has scanned or those that the organization has



本製品 は Sansan API を使用して、以下のカラムと演算子で構築されたWHERE 句条件を処理します。その他のフィルタはクライアント側でドライバー内部で処理されます。例えば、次のクエリはサーバー側で処理されます。

SELECT * FROM Bizcards WHERE UpdatedTime > '2018-03-14'

SELECT * FROM Bizcards WHERE UpdatedTime = '2018-03-14 18:35:06.0'

SELECT * FROM Bizcards WHERE UpdatedTime > '2018-03-14' AND UpdatedTime < '2019-03-14'

SELECT * FROM Bizcards WHERE Email = '[email protected]'

SELECT * FROM Bizcards ORDER BY UpdatedTime Desc

SELECT * FROM Bizcards ORDER BY RegisteredTime

SELECT * FROM Bizcards WHERE CONTAINS(CompanyName, 'kei') AND CONTAINS(Tel, '7390') AND CONTAINS(Mobile, '7415')

SELECT * FROM Bizcards WHERE SearchTerm = 'kei'

クエリ内で指定することでRange 接続プロパティをオーバーライドできます。例:

SELECT * FROM Bizcards WHERE Range = 'me'


INSERT INTO Bizcards ('OwnerId', 'FirstName', 'LastName', 'SharingPermissionsEmail') VALUES ('afd425d', 'John', 'Doe', true)


Name Type ReadOnly Description
BizcardId [KEY] String True

The Id of the Bizcard

CompanyId String True

The Id of the Company

PersonId String True

The Id of the person

ExchangeDate Date False

The date when Bizcards were exchanged

RegisteredTime Datetime True

The datetime when the Bizcard was registered

UpdatedTime Datetime True

The datetime when the Bizcard was last updated

OwnerId String False

The Id of the owner

OwnerName String True

The name of the owner

OwnerEmail String True

The email of the owner

LastName String False

The last name found on Bizcard

FirstName String False

The first name found on Bizcard

LastNameReading String False

FirstNameReading String False

DepartmentName String False

The name of the department found on Bizcard

Title String False

The title found on Bizcard

Email String False

The email found on Bizcard

Mobile String False

The mobile number found on Bizcard

CompanyName String False

The company name found on Bizcard

CountryCode String False

The country code found on Bizcard

PostalCode String False

The postal code found on Bizcard

Address String True

The address found on Bizcard

Prefecture String False

The prefecture found on Bizcard

City String False

The city found on Bizcard

Street String False

The street found on Bizcard

Building String False

The building found on Bizcard

Tel String False

The telephone number found on Bizcard

SecondTel String False

The second telephone number found on Bizcard

Fax String False

The fax number found on Bizcard

Url String False

The url found on Bizcard

Memo String False

The memo found on Bizcard

EntryStatus String True

The status of the Bizcard {processing, completed, unreadable}

IsUserCreated Boolean True

Determines if the bizcard has been created by the user or not

HasUnrecognizedChar Boolean True

Determines if the bizcard has unrecognized char or not

TagId String False

The tag ID to be linked to the business card. This column is supported for Insert only.

SharingPermissionsCompanyInformation Boolean False

Company information public/private setting. This column is supported for Insert only.

SharingPermissionsName Boolean False

Name public/private setting. This column is supported for Insert only.

SharingPermissionsExchangeDate Boolean False

Exchange date public/private setting. This column is supported for Insert only.

SharingPermissionsContact Boolean False

Contact public/private setting. This column is supported for Insert only.

SharingPermissionsMobile Boolean False

Mobile public/private setting. This column is supported for Insert only.

SharingPermissionsEmail Boolean False

Email public/private setting. This column is supported for Insert only.

SharingPermissionsMemo Boolean False

Memo public/private setting. This column is supported for Insert only.

SharingPermissionsOthers Boolean False

Others public/private setting. This column is supported for Insert only.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Range String

Used to override the range connection property

SearchTerm String

Search FirstName or LastName starting by criteria

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963