Usage information for the operation DownloadBizcard.rsb.
Name | Type | Required | Description |
BizcardId | String | True | The id of bizcard. |
Side | String | False | Set the front / back side of the card image. Default : front |
LocalFolder | String | False | The folder to download the file to. |
FileName | String | False | The name of the file downloading. Default {Bizcardid}.jpg |
Encoding | String | False | The FileData input encoding type.
使用できる値は次のとおりです。NONE, BASE64 デフォルト値はBASE64です。 |
Result Set Columns
Name | Type | Description |
Success | String | If the operation succeeds. |
FileData | String | If the LocalFolder and FileStream are not provided, this contains the content of the file. |