SSIS Components for Pinterest

Build 24.0.8963


Get a list of the ad_accounts that the User has access to.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 will use the Pinterest API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

  • AdAccountId supports the '=' operator.
  • Id supports the '=,IN' operator.
  • AdGroupId supports the '=,IN' operator.
  • CampaignId supports the '=,IN' operator.
  • Status supports the '=' operator.
For example:
	SELECT * FROM Ads WHERE AdAccountId = '3457832451'


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] String The ID of this ad.
AdAccountId String


Unique identifier of an ad account.
AdGroupId String


ID of the ad group that contains the ad.
AndroidDeepLink String Deep link URL for Android devices. Not currently available. Using this field will generate an error.
CampaignId String


ID of the ad campaign that contains this ad.
CarouselAndroidDeepLinks String Comma-separated deep links for the carousel pin on Android.
CarouselDestinationUrls String Comma-separated destination URLs for the carousel pin to promote.
CarouselIosDeepLinks String Comma-separated deep links for the carousel pin on iOS.
ClickTrackingUrl String Tracking url for the ad clicks.
CollectionItemsDestinationUrlTemplate String Destination URL template for all items within a collections drawer.
CreatedTime Datetime Pin creation time.
CreativeType String Ad creative type
DestinationUrl String Destination URL.
IosDeepLink String Deep link URL for iOS devices.
IsPinDeleted Boolean Is original pin deleted?
IsRemovable Boolean Is pin repinnable?
Name String Name of the ad.
PinId String Pin ID.
RejectedReasons String Reason why the pin was rejected.
RejectionLabels String Text reason why the pin was rejected.
ReviewStatus String Ad review status
Status String Entity status


SummaryStatus String Ad summary status.
TrackingUrlsAudienceVerification String Tracking Urls Audience Verification.
TrackingUrlsBuyableButton String Tracking Urls Buyable Button.
TrackingUrlsClick String Tracking Urls Click.
TrackingUrlsEngagement String Tracking Urls Engagement.
TrackingUrlsImpression String Tracking Urls Impression.
Type String Type of ad.
UpdatedTime Datetime Last update time.
ViewTrackingUrl String Tracking URL for ad impressions.

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Build 24.0.8963