Data Model
The driver models the Microsoft OneDrive API as relational tables. Any changes to the remote data are immediately reflected in your queries; the table definitions are dynamically retrieved. When you connect, the driver connects to Microsoft OneDrive and gets the list of tables and the metadata for the tables by calling the appropriate Web services.
Key Features
- The driver models Microsoft OneDrive entities like Files and Folders as relational views, allowing you to write SQL to query Microsoft OneDrive data.
- Stored procedures allow you to execute operations to Microsoft OneDrive, including retrieving the access token and keeping it refreshed in OAuth 2.0.
- Live connectivity to these objects means any changes to your Microsoft OneDrive account are immediately reflected when using the driver.
Views shows definitions from a sample OneDrive site. The actual data model will be obtained dynamically based on your user credentials and site.
Stored Procedures
Stored Procedures are function-like interfaces to OneDrive. They can be used to search, update and modify information in OneDrive.