TDV Adapter for Microsoft OneDrive

Build 22.0.8462


The OneDrive table Users in which an admin user can view the users details.

Users Information

Projection is done server-side. Basic select query is supported e.g.:


Using this view an admin user can list all other users details.


Name Type References Description
id [KEY] String
Etag String
createdBy_user_id String
createdBy_user_displayName String
lastModifiedBy_user_id String
lastModifiedBy_user_displayName String
deletedDateTime Datetime
aboutMe String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
accountEnabled Bool
ageGroup String
assignedLicenses String
assignedPlans String
birthday Datetime This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
businessPhones String
city String
companyName String
consentProvidedForMinor String
country String
createdDateTime Datetime
creationType String
department String
deviceEnrollmentLimit Int
displayName String
employeeHireDate Datetime
employeeId String
employeeOrgData_costCenter String
employeeOrgData_division String
employeeType String
externalUserState String
externalUserStateChangeDateTime Datetime
faxNumber String
givenName String
hireDate Datetime This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
identities String
imAddresses String
interests String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
isResourceAccount Bool
jobTitle String
lastPasswordChangeDateTime Datetime
legalAgeGroupClassification String
licenseAssignmentStates String
mail String
mailboxSettings_archiveFolder String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_externalAudience String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_externalReplyMessage String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_internalReplyMessage String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_scheduledEndDateTime_dateTime Datetime This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_scheduledEndDateTime_timeZone String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_automaticRepliesSetting_status String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_dateFormat String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_delegateMeetingMessageDeliveryOptions String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_language_displayName String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_language_locale String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_timeFormat String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_timeZone String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_workingHours_daysOfWeek String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_workingHours_endTime Time This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_workingHours_startTime Time This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailboxSettings_workingHours_timeZone_name String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
mailNickname String
mobilePhone String
mySite String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
officeLocation String
onPremisesDistinguishedName String
onPremisesDomainName String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute1 String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute10 String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute11 String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute12 String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute13 String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute14 String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute15 String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute2 String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute3 String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute4 String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute5 String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute6 String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute7 String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute8 String
onPremisesExtensionAttributes_extensionAttribute9 String
onPremisesImmutableId String
onPremisesLastSyncDateTime Datetime
onPremisesProvisioningErrors String
onPremisesSamAccountName String
onPremisesSecurityIdentifier String
onPremisesSyncEnabled Bool
onPremisesUserPrincipalName String
otherMails String
passwordPolicies String
passwordProfile_forceChangePasswordNextSignIn Bool
passwordProfile_forceChangePasswordNextSignInWithMfa Bool
passwordProfile_password String
pastProjects String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
postalCode String
preferredLanguage String
preferredName String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
provisionedPlans String
proxyAddresses String
responsibilities String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
schools String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
showInAddressList Bool
signInSessionsValidFromDateTime Datetime
skills String This property is only supported when retrieving a single user. Also this property is null for personal Microsoft Accounts.
state String
streetAddress String
surname String
usageLocation String
userPrincipalName String
userType String
Linkedactivities String
LinkedappRoleAssignments String
Linkedauthentication String
Linkedcalendar String
LinkedcalendarGroups String
Linkedcalendars String
LinkedcalendarView String
Linkedchats String
LinkedcontactFolders String
Linkedcontacts String
LinkedcreatedObjects String
LinkeddeviceManagementTroubleshootingEvents String
LinkeddirectReports String
Linkeddrive String
Linkeddrives String
Linkedevents String
Linkedextensions String
LinkedfollowedSites String
LinkedinferenceClassification String
Linkedinsights String
LinkedjoinedTeams String
LinkedlicenseDetails String
LinkedmailFolders String
LinkedmanagedAppRegistrations String
LinkedmanagedDevices String
Linkedmanager String
LinkedmemberOf String
Linkedmessages String
Linkedoauth2PermissionGrants String
Linkedonenote String
LinkedonlineMeetings String
Linkedoutlook String
LinkedownedDevices String
LinkedownedObjects String
Linkedpeople String
Linkedphoto String
Linkedphotos String
Linkedplanner String
Linkedpresence String
LinkedregisteredDevices String
LinkedscopedRoleMemberOf String
Linkedsettings String
Linkedteamwork String
Linkedtodo String
LinkedtransitiveMemberOf String
ParentReference String

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462