JDBC Driver for Microsoft OneNote

Build 23.0.8839


To download the file or image resource object


Name Type Required Accepts Output Streams Description
ResourceId String True False The Id of the file/image to download.
GroupId String False False The group id of the resource id.
UserId String False False The user id of the resource id.
Name String False False The name of the file/image to download (you can set manually the correct name of the file, or you can set another name). FileName should contain the file format as well. Example: Test.jpg
LocalPath String False False The local path to save the files/image to.
Encoding String False False The FileData input encoding type.

The allowed values are NONE, BASE64.

The default value is BASE64.

FileStream String False True An instance of an output stream where file data is written to. Only used if LocalPath is not provided.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
FullName String The name of the downloaded file/image.
FullPath String The full path (including name) of the downloaded file.
Status String Status of the downloading document operation.
FileData String If the LocalPath and FileStream are not provided, this contains the content of the file.

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Build 23.0.8839