Return a pay advice report showing employee paycheque details for an AccountRight company file.
Table Specific Information
The driver will process all filters client side.
Name | Type | References | Description |
AnnualSalary | Decimal | Annual salary amount for the employee (at the time of the API call). | |
ChequeNumber | String | Cheque number or reference type. | |
DateOfBirth | Datetime | Employees date of birth. | |
EmployerABNOrTFN | String | ABN or TFN as entered within the Company Information window or Company endpoint. | |
EmployerCompanyName | String | Company name as entered within the Company Information window or Company endpoint. | |
EmployerURI | String | Uniform resource identifier associated with the company file. | |
GrossPay | Decimal | Gross Wages for pay period (total amount of money before deductions) for the employee. | |
HourlyRate | Decimal | Employee's hourly rate. | |
NetPay | Decimal | Net Wages for pay period (total amount of money after deductions) for the employee. | |
PayFrequency | String | Pay frequency can consist of the following: Weekly, Fortnightly, TwiceAMonth, Monthly. | |
PayPeriodEndDate | Datetime | Finishing date of the pay period. | |
PayPeriodStartDate | Datetime | Starting date of the pay period. | |
PaymentDate | Datetime | Date when the paycheque was processed and paid,. | |
SuperannuationFundID | Uuid | Unique guid identifier belonging to the superannuation fund. | |
SuperannuationFundName | String | Name of the superannuation fund. | |
SuperannuationFundURI | String | Uniform resource identifier associated with the superannuation fund. | |
EmployeeID | Uuid |
Contacts.ID | Unique guid identifier belonging to the assigned employee contact. |
EmployeeDisplayID | String | Customer contact Card ID, can also be used as a unique employee contact identifier. | |
EmployeeName | String | Name of the employee contact. | |
EmployeeURI | String | Uniform resource identifier associated with the employee contact object. | |
Amount | Decimal | Amount processed for payroll category i.e. $ amounts for Wages, Superannuation, Deductions and Hours for entitlements. | |
PayrollCategoryID | Uuid | Unique category identifier in the form of a guid. | |
PayrollCategoryName | String | Name of the category. | |
PayrollCategoryType | String | Indicates the type of payroll category i.e. Wage, Deduction, Expense, Tax. | |
PayrollCategoryURI | String | Uniform resource identifier associated with the category object. | |
Hours | Integer | Number of hours paid on hourly payroll category or accrued for entitlements. Note: If payroll category is of type salary then null is returned. | |
CalculationRate | Decimal | The rate an hourly wage category is calculated,Note: If wage is of type salary then null is returned. | |
YearToDate | Decimal | YTD amounts accrued this payroll year based upon pays recorded. | |
CompanyFileId | String | The ID of the company file. |