Returns a list of Journals and their history for all transaction types
Name | Type | References | Description |
UID [KEY] | Uuid | Unique identifier in the form of a guid. | |
DateOccurred | Datetime | Transaction date entry, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | |
DatePosted | Datetime | Date timestamp for day the transaction was entered, format YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS | |
Description | String | Journal memo assigned to the transaction. | |
DisplayID | String | Journal transaction id. | |
GroupUID | Uuid | UID of the first version of the transaction. | |
JournalType | String | Full list of journal types:General Sale Purchase CashPayment CashReceipt Inventory | |
Lines | String | An array of journal line information | |
OperationType | String | Operation types:Added System Edited Deleted Reversed. | |
RowVersion | String | Number value that changes upon a record update, can be used for change control but does does not preserve a date or a time. | |
SourceTransactionTransactionType | String | Transaction types consist of the following: Bill Invoice SupplierPayment CustomerPayment SpendMoneyTxn ReceiveMoneyTxn TransferMoneyTxn GeneralJournal InventoryAdjustment CreditRefund CreditSettlement DebitRefund DebitSettlement | |
SourceTransactionUID | Uuid | Unique identifier for the source transaction in the form of a guid. | |
SourceTransactionURI | String | Uniform resource identifier associated with the transaction object. | |
URI | String | Uniform resource identifier encompasses all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the web. |