Return and update employee payroll details on employee contact cards for an AccountRight company file.
Table Specific Information
MYOB allows a subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns may be used with the following operators: =, !=, >, <, >=, <=. In addition, queries with multiple criteria can be executed by combining the criteria with AND and OR operators.
These columns support the above comparison types for server side filtering: ID, DateOfBirth, Gender, PaySlipDelivery, PaySlipEmail, StartDate, TimeBillingCostPerHour, TimeBillingEmployeeBillingRateExcludingTax, EmploymentBasis, EmploymentCategory, EmploymentStatus, EmployeeID, EmployeeDisplayID, EmployeeName, EmploymentClassificationID, EmploymentClassificationName, TaxCategoryID, TaxCategoryName, TaxCategoryType, TaxTableID, TaxTableName, TaxFileNumber, TaxTotalRebatesPerYear, TaxWithholdingVariationRate, TaxExtraTaxPerPay, WageAnnualSalary, WageHourlyRate, WageHoursInWeeklyPayPeriod, WagePayBasis, WagePayFrequency, WagesExpenseAccountID, WagesExpenseAccountDisplayID, WagesExpenseAccountName. All the other columns and operators are processed client side.
SELECT * FROM EmployeePayrollDetails WHERE ID = "1bed306d-2da4-49b3-9023-153c3dc5b2e9" SELECT * FROM EmployeePayrollDetails WHERE TaxTableID = "a3ed306d-2da1-49b3-9023-353c3dffb2e9" SELECT * FROM EmployeePayrollDetails WHERE StartDate = "01/02/2019"
To update an existing payroll detail aggregate list, either pass a JSON string to the aggregate input value or use a temporary table like below.
INSERT INTO EmployeePayrollDeductionItems#TEMP (ID) VALUES ("a7ld306u-2da1-49b2-90f3-111c3dffb2e2) UPDATE EmployeePayrollDetails SET Deductions = "EmployeePayrollDeductionItems#TEMP" WHERE ID = "1bed306d-2da4-49b3-9023-153c3dc5b2e9"
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
ID [KEY] | Uuid | True |
Unique identifier in the form of a guid. | |
DateOfBirth | Datetime | False |
The employee's date of birth. | |
Gender | String | False |
Gender of the employee contact. | |
PaySlipDelivery | String | False |
The methods by which the payslip can be sent: ToBePrinted (Defaults to be printed on PUT if not specified) , ToBeEmailed, ToBePrintedAndEmailed, AlreadyPrintedOrSent. | |
PaySlipEmail | String | False |
Email address to which payslips should be emailed. | |
RowVersion | String | True |
Number value that changes upon a record update, can be used for change control but does does not preserve a date or a time. | |
StartDate | Datetime | False |
Ending date of the period. | |
TimeBillingCostPerHour | Double | True |
Hourly cost. | |
TimeBillingEmployeeBillingRateExcludingTax | Double | True |
Hourly billing rate for services provided by employee. | |
EmploymentBasis | String | False |
Employment basis can consist of the following: Individual (Defaults to individual on PUT if not specified) , Labor Hire, Other. | |
EmploymentCategory | String | False |
Employment category can consist of the following: Permanent (Defaults to permanent on PUT if not specified), Temporary. | |
EmploymentStatus | String | False |
Employment status can consist of the following: FullTime (Defaults to full time on PUT if not specified) , PartTime, Other, Casual. | |
URI | String | True |
Uniform resource identifier encompasses all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the web. | |
EmployeeID | Uuid | False |
Contacts.ID |
Unique guid identifier belonging to the assigned employee contact. |
EmployeeDisplayID | String | True |
Customer contact Card ID, can also be used as a unique employee contact identifier. | |
EmployeeName | String | True |
Name of the employee contact. | |
EmployeeURI | String | True |
Uniform resource identifier associated with the employee contact object. | |
EmploymentClassificationID | Uuid | False |
Unique identifier for the account in the form of a guid. | |
EmploymentClassificationName | String | True |
Name of the employment classification. | |
EmploymentClassificationURI | String | True |
Uniform resource identifier associated with the employment classification object. | |
TaxCategoryID | Uuid | False |
Unique category identifier in the form of a guid. | |
TaxCategoryName | String | True |
Name of the category. | |
TaxCategoryType | String | True |
Indicates the type of payroll category ie: Wage, Deduction, Superannuation. | |
TaxCategoryURI | String | True |
Uniform resource identifier associated with the category object. | |
TaxTableID | Uuid | False |
Unique identifier for the account in the form of a guid. | |
TaxTableName | String | True |
Name of the tax table. | |
TaxTableURI | String | True |
Uniform resource identifier associated with the tax table object. | |
TaxFileNumber | String | False |
Employee tax file number (Must be 9 digits and formatted as XXX XXX XXX). | |
TaxTotalRebatesPerYear | Double | False |
The employee's total rebates offset amount. | |
TaxWithholdingVariationRate | Double | False |
% rate that applies if selected tax table = Withholding Variation. | |
TaxExtraTaxPerPay | Double | True |
The employees extra tax withheld from there pay. | |
WageAnnualSalary | Decimal | True |
Annual salary amount for the employee. | |
WageHourlyRate | Decimal | True |
Employee hourly rate. | |
WageHoursInWeeklyPayPeriod | Decimal | True |
Hours worked in a pay period. Defaults to 40 on PUT if not specified. | |
WagePayBasis | String | True |
PayBasis can consist of the following: Salary (Defaults to salary on PUT if not specified), Hourly. | |
WagePayFrequency | String | True |
Pay frequency can consist of the following: Weekly (Defaults to weekly on PUT if not specified) , Fortnightly, TwiceAMonth, Monthly. | |
WagesExpenseAccountID | Uuid | False |
Accounts.ID |
Unique identifier for the account in the form of a guid. |
WagesExpenseAccountDisplayID | String | True |
Account code. Format includes separator ie 4-1100 | |
WagesExpenseAccountName | String | True |
Name of the account. | |
WagesExpenseAccountURI | String | True |
Uniform resource identifier associated with the account object. | |
WageCategories | String | False |
An array of wage categories the employee is linked to. | |
Entitlements | String | False |
The following set of information pulls through details for each linked entitlement category. | |
Deductions | String | False |
The following set of information pulls through details for each linked deductions category. | |
EmployerExpenses | String | False |
The following set of information pulls through details for each linked employer expenses category. |