TDV Adapter for MYOB

Build 24.0.8963


Returns company data file preferences for an AccountRight company file.

Table Specific Information


The adapter will process all filters client side.


Name Type Description
PreferToReceiveMoneyIntoUndepositedFunds Boolean True indicates the preference When I receive money, I prefer to Group with Other Undeposited funds is turned on. False indicates the preference When I receive money, I prefer to Group with Other Undeposited funds is turned off.
PurchasesTermsBalanceDueDate Integer The balance due date which includes EOM (End of Month).
PurchasesTermsCreditLimit Decimal Default customer contact credit limit.
PurchasesTermsDiscountDate Integer The discount date which includes EOM (End of Month).
PurchasesTermsDiscountForEarlyPayment Double % discount for early payment.
PurchasesTermsMonthlyChargeForLatePayment Double % monthly charge for late payment.
PurchasesTermsPaymentIsDue String Default Terms of Payment definitions: CashOnDelivery, PrePaid, InAGivenNumberOfDays, OnADayOfTheMonth, NumberOfDaysAfterEOM, DayOfMonthAfterEOM.
PurchasesTermsPriceLevel String Default price level.
PurchasesTermsUseCustomerTaxCode Boolean True or false.
PurchasesTermsUseSupplierTaxCode Boolean True or false.
PurchasesTermsFreightTaxCodeID Uuid Unique guid identifier belonging to the assigned tax code.
PurchasesTermsFreightTaxCodeCode String 3 digit tax code.
PurchasesTermsFreightTaxCodeURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the tax code object.
PurchasesTermsTaxCodeID Uuid Unique guid identifier belonging to the assigned tax code.
PurchasesTermsTaxCodeCode String 3 digit tax code.
PurchasesTermsTaxCodeURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the tax code object.
ReportsAndFormsReportTaxablePayments Boolean True indicates that report taxable payments made to contractors is turned on. False indicates that report taxable payments made to contractors is turned off.
RowVersion String Number value that changes upon a record update, can be used for change control but does does not preserve a date or a time.
SalesTermsBalanceDueDate Integer The balance due date which includes EOM (End of Month).
SalesTermsCreditLimit Decimal Default customer contact credit limit.
SalesTermsDiscountDate Integer The discount date which includes EOM (End of Month).
SalesTermsDiscountForEarlyPayment Double % discount for early payment.
SalesTermsMonthlyChargeForLatePayment Double % monthly charge for late payment.
SalesTermsPaymentIsDue String Default Terms of Payment definitions: CashOnDelivery, PrePaid, InAGivenNumberOfDays, OnADayOfTheMonth, NumberOfDaysAfterEOM, DayOfMonthAfterEOM.
SalesTermsPriceLevel String Default price level.
SalesTermsUseCustomerTaxCode Boolean True or false.
SalesTermsUseSupplierTaxCode Boolean True or false.
SalesTermsFreightTaxCodeID Uuid Unique guid identifier belonging to the assigned tax code.
SalesTermsFreightTaxCodeCode String 3 digit tax code.
SalesTermsFreightTaxCodeURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the tax code object.
SalesTermsTaxCodeID Uuid Unique guid identifier belonging to the assigned tax code.
SalesTermsTaxCodeCode String 3 digit tax code.
SalesTermsTaxCodeURI String Uniform resource identifier associated with the tax code object.
SystemCategoryTracking String Can consist of the following values: Off ,OnAndNotRequired, OnAndRequired.
SystemLockPeriodPriorTo String Lock period disabling entries prior to a given date.
SystemTransactionsCannotBeChangedMustBeReversed Boolean True indicates that transctions cannot be changed or deleted, they must be reversed. False indicates transctions can be either changed or deleted.
TimesheetsUseTimesheetsFor String Can consist of either TimeBillingAndPayroll or Payroll.
TimesheetsWeekStartsOn String Day the week starts on ie: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday.
CompanyFileId String The ID of the company file. Takes precedence over the CompanyFileId connection property.

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Build 24.0.8963