Return all sale invoice types for an AccountRight company file.
Table Specific Information
MYOB allows a subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns may be used with the following operators: =, !=, >, <, >=, <=. In addition, queries with multiple criterias can be executed by combining the criteria with AND and OR operators.
These columns support the above comparison types for server side filtering: ID, BalanceDueAmount, Comment, Date, InvoiceDeliveryStatus, IsTaxInclusive, JournalMemo, LastPaymentDate, Number, PromisedDate, ReferralSource, ShipToAddress, ShippingMethod, Status, Subtotal, Freight, TotalTax, TotalAmount, CustomerPurchaseOrderNumber, CategoryID, CategoryDisplayID, CategoryName, SalespersonID, SalespersonDisplayID, SalespersonName, CustomerID, CustomerDisplayID, CustomerName, FreightTaxCodeID, FreightTaxCodeCode, OrderID, OrderNumber, TermsBalanceDueDate, TermsDiscount, TermsDiscountDate, TermsDiscountExpiryDate, TermsDiscountForEarlyPayment, TermsDueDate, TermsFinanceCharge, TermsMonthlyChargeForLatePayment, TermsPaymentIsDue. All the other columns and operators are processed client side.
InvoiceType supports only equality comparison.
SELECT * FROM SaleInvoices WHERE ID = "fa024423-e61a-44cd-8a8b-4d52a2f9fc04" SELECT * FROM SaleInvoices WHERE BalanceDueAmount = 24.3766206457717 SELECT * FROM SaleInvoices WHERE Comment = "commect" SELECT * FROM SaleInvoices WHERE InvoiceType = "Service"
To update an existing invoice, along with its Lines, we can either pass a JSON string to the Lines value or use a temporary table like below.
Note: this will replace all the current Lines with the ones below.
INSERT INTO PurchaseOrderItems#TEMP(Total, AccountID, TaxCodeID) VALUES (444.21, "44a7b2bc-0a0e-4381-86fc-9b2c7a479f8f", "bd0f9821-4437-4ec2-9c95-c1bdbdd26c7b") UPDATE PurchaseOrders SET InvoiceType = "Service", Lines = "PurchaseOrderItems#TEMP" WHERE ID = "992163e5-f46d-4b45-9296-965aa89a2a71"
The following attributes are required when performing an insert: InvoiceType, Date, CustomerID.
INSERT INTO SaleInvoices(InvoiceType, Date, CustomerID) VALUES ("item", "01/01/2019", "4635fd9e-82a7-4612-ae15-32c464ef7c48")
Name | Type | ReadOnly | Description |
ID [KEY] | Uuid | True |
Unique identifier in the form of a guid. |
BalanceDueAmount | Decimal | True |
Amount still payable on the sale invoice. |
Comment | String | False |
Sale invoice comment. |
Date | Datetime | False |
The date of the entry. |
InvoiceDeliveryStatus | String | False |
Invoice delivery status assigned: Print = ToBePrinted, Email = ToBeEmailed, PrintAndEmail = ToBePrintedAndEmailed, Nothing = AlreadyPrintedOrSent. |
InvoiceType | String | False |
Type of the invoice. One of: Item,Service,Professional,TimeBilling,Miscellaneous. |
IsTaxInclusive | Boolean | False |
True indicates the transaction is tax inclusive with Total values to be keyed in tax-inclusive. False indicates the transaction is not tax inclusive with Total values to be keyed in tax-exclusive. |
JournalMemo | String | False |
Memo text for the object. |
LastPaymentDate | Datetime | True |
The date of the entry. |
LastModified | Datetime | True |
LastModified date of the entry. |
Number | String | False |
Sale invoice number. |
PromisedDate | Datetime | False |
The date of the entry. |
ReferralSource | String | False |
Referral Source selected on the sale invoice. |
RowVersion | String | True |
Number value that changes upon a record update, can be used for change control but does does not preserve a date or a time. |
ShipToAddress | String | False |
ShipTo address of the sale invoice. |
ShippingMethod | String | False |
Shipping method text. |
Status | String | True |
Invoice status: Open, Closed, Credit. |
Subtotal | Decimal | True |
If IsTaxInclusive = false then sum of all tax exclusive line amounts. If IsTaxInclusive = true then sum of all tax inclusive line amounts. |
Freight | Decimal | True |
Freight applicable to the sale invoice. |
TotalTax | Decimal | True |
Total of all tax amounts applicable to the sale invoice. |
TotalAmount | Decimal | True |
Total amount of the sale invoice. |
URI | String | True |
Uniform resource identifier encompasses all types of names and addresses that refer to objects on the web. |
CustomerPurchaseOrderNumber | String | False |
Customer PO number. |
CategoryID | Uuid | False |
Unique category identifier in the form of a guid. |
CategoryDisplayID | String | True |
Display id for the category. |
CategoryName | String | True |
Name of the category. |
CategoryURI | String | True |
Uniform resource identifier associated with the category object. |
SalespersonID | Uuid | False |
Unique identifier in the form of a guid. |
SalespersonDisplayID | String | True |
Employee contact Card ID. |
SalespersonName | String | True |
Selected employee contact name. |
SalespersonURI | String | True |
Uniform resource identifier associated with the employee. |
CustomerID | Uuid | False |
Unique guid identifier belonging to the assigned customer contact. |
CustomerDisplayID | String | True |
Customer contact Card ID, can also be used as a unique customer contact identifier. |
CustomerName | String | True |
Name of the customer contact. |
CustomerURI | String | True |
Uniform resource identifier associated with the customer contact object. |
FreightTaxCodeID | Uuid | False |
Unique guid identifier belonging to the assigned tax code. |
FreightTaxCodeCode | String | True |
3 digit tax code. |
FreightTaxCodeURI | String | True |
Uniform resource identifier associated with the tax code object. |
OrderID | Uuid | False |
Unique identifier in the form of a guid. |
OrderNumber | String | True |
The order number. |
OrderURI | String | True |
Uniform resource identifier associated with the order. |
TermsBalanceDueDate | Integer | False |
The date of the entry. |
TermsDiscount | Decimal | True |
Discount amount that will apply if payment is made in full by the discount date. |
TermsDiscountDate | Integer | True |
The date of the entry. |
TermsDiscountExpiryDate | Datetime | True |
The date of the entry. |
TermsDiscountForEarlyPayment | Double | False |
% discount for early payment. |
TermsDueDate | Datetime | True |
The date of the entry. |
TermsFinanceCharge | Decimal | False |
Late payment fee to be charged if payment is not made in full by the due date. |
TermsMonthlyChargeForLatePayment | Double | False |
% monthly charge for late payment. |
TermsPaymentIsDue | String | False |
Default Terms of Payment definitions: CashOnDelivery, PrePaid, InAGivenNumberOfDays, OnADayOfTheMonth, NumberOfDaysAfterEOM, DayOfMonthAfterEOM. |
Lines | String | False |
An array of line invoice information. |
CompanyFileId | String | True |
The ID of the company file. Takes precedence over the CompanyFileId connection property. |