Excel Add-In for SAP Fieldglass

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieve all active work orders including profile workers using the Active Work Order Profile Worker Download connector.


Name Type Description
Work Order ID String Work Order ID Will be blank for Profile Workers.
Revision Number Int Revision Number of Work Order or Profile Worker.
Work Order Start Date Date Start Date of Work Order or Profile Worker.
Work Order End date Date End Date of Work Order or Profile Worker.
Work Order Status String Status of the Work Order or Profile Worker.
Work Order Last Modified Date Date Last modified Date of Work Order or Profile Worker.
Work Order Activation Date Date Date this work order was activated. Will be blank if status is Created or Pending Approval.
Worker First Name String Worker's First Name.
Worker Last Name String Worker's Last Name.
Worker ID String SAP Fieldglass Worker ID.
Job Seeker ID String SAP Fieldglass Job Seeker ID. Will be blank for Profile Workers.
Vendor Name String Supplier Name.
Vendor Code String SAP Fieldglass Supplier code.
Job Posting Title String Job Posting Title. Will be blank for Profile Workers.
Site Name String Site Name
Site Code String Site Code
Site Address 1 String Site Address 1
Site Address 2 String Site Address 2
Site City String Site City
Site State/Province String Site State or Province
Site Country String Site Country ISO Code
Site ZIP/Postal Code String Site Zip or Postal code
Business Unit Name String Business Unit Name
Business Unit Code String Business Unit Code
Hours per Day Decimal Indicates Hours per Day. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Hours per Week Decimal Indicates Hours per Week. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Estimated Additional Spend Percentage Decimal Indicates any Additional Estimated Spend Percentage. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Total Estimated Hours Decimal Indicates total estimated hours for work order. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Estimated Expenses Percentage Decimal Indicates any estimated expenses percentage. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Adjustments applies to estimated spend Percentage Decimal Indicates any adjustments applied to spend percentage. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Remit to Address Code String Code as assigned to the RTA by Supplier.
Bill Rate Category String Rate category for Bill Rate. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Bill Rate Decimal Worker's Bill Rate which is associated to the Rate Unit listed in the next field. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Rate Unit String Unit of measure for bill rate. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Currency String Currency designation (Example: USD) Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Average rate used to calculate spend Decimal Calculated average rate for work order. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Billable per diem Decimal Amount that is billable per day. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Maximum Expense Decimal Maximum amount for expenses. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Committed spend Decimal Amount of committed spend. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Cost Center Name String Cost Center Name in SAP Fieldglass. Primary Cost Center only. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Cost Center Code String Cost Center Code in SAP Fieldglass. Primary Cost Center only. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Cost Allocation percentage Decimal Percentage to allocate to cost center. If Cost Allocation Amount entered, this field is mandatory. If company configuration 'Cost Allocation Percentage decimal precision' is enabled, the Cost Allocation Percentage field shows zeros beyond the precision value set digit. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Cost Allocation amount Decimal Amount to be allocated to cost center. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Task Name String Name of task code Will be blank for Profile Workers.
Task Code String Task code Will be blank for Profile Workers.
Cumulative Committed Spend Decimal Amount accumulated for committed spend for work order(s). Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Spend to Date Decimal Amount spent to date. Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Job Posting Owner String Name of JP owner Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Job Posting Owner Employee ID String Employee ID of JP owner Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Job Posting Creator String Job Posting creator Will be blank for Profile Worker.
Work Order Create Date Date Creation date of work order or Profile Worker.
Work Order Submit Date Date Submit date of work order Will be blank for Profile Workers.
External ID String An external Work Order identifier used by the client for tracking purposes.
Purchase Order Number String PO Number
Legal Entity Code String Indicates legal entity code associated to worker/profile worker. Required if company configuration 'Enable Legal Entity' is set. Default legal entity configuration on Profile Worker must be 'Apply the same Entity validation used for Contingent'.
Purchase Unit String Name of Purchase Unit Company configuration 'Enable Purchase Unit' must be enabled. The User Role Permission 'Purchase Unit - View' must be enabled to view this information.
Purchase Unit Code String Code of Purchase Unit Company configuration 'Enable Purchase Unit' must be enabled. The User Role Permission 'Purchase Unit - View' must be enabled to view this information.
Worker Country of Origin String Indicates worker's country of origin.Company configurations 'Allow Security ID format by Worker Country of Origin' and 'Enable Security Information' must be enabled.
Time Zone String Time zone for worker. If not entered, it is defaulted to the default setting of buyer's time zone.
Commodity Code String Code for the commodity. This field must be manually configured to be in the download file template.For profile worker records in this download, this field will always be blank.
Commodity Code Description String Description of the commodity code.This field must be manually configured to be in the download file template.For profile worker records in this download, this field will always be blank.
Discount % Decimal Discount % from SOW Worker
Primary Location String Indicates primary location name when Company Configuration 'Allow Multiple Locations' is enabled. Client must configure the download to include this field via the Enabled Fields +Add Native Fields hyperlink.
Primary Location Code String Indicates primary location code when Company Configuration 'Allow Multiple Locations' is enabled. Client must configure the download to include this field via the Enabled Fields +Add Native Fields hyperlink.
Location Code String The location code. Company configuration 'Allow Multiple Locations' must be enabled. Row will be repeated with the exact same information in all columns except the location columns. There will be as many duplicated rows as there are number of locations.
Work Location Name String The location name. Company configuration 'Allow Multiple Locations' must be enabled. Row will be repeated with the exact same information in all columns except the location columns. There will be as many duplicated rows as there are number of locations.
Original Revision Start Date Date This field returns the Start Date from the original work order regardless of what revision the work order is currently on.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963