Retrieve all time sheets in Draft status using the Draft Time Sheet Download connector.
Name | Type | Description |
Time Sheet ID | String | Fieldglass Time Sheet ID. |
Worker Last Name | String | Worker's Last Name. |
Worker First Name | String | Worker's First Name. |
Supplier Name | String | Fieldglass Supplier Name associated with buyer. |
Time Sheet Start Date | Date | Start Date of Time Sheet. |
Time Sheet End Date | Date | End Date of Time Sheet. |
Work Location Name | String | The location name of the hours against the Rate/Rate Category for that day.Company configuration 'Allow Multiple Locations' must be enabled. Row will be repeated with the exact same information in all columns except the location columns. There will be as many duplicated rows as there are number of locations on the time sheet. |
Location Code | String | The location code of the hours against the Rate/Rate Category for that day.Company configuration 'Allow Multiple Locations' must be enabled. Row will be repeated with the exact same information in all columns except the location columns. There will be as many duplicated rows as there are number of locations on the time sheet. |