Retrieve approved expense sheets using the Approved Expense Sheet Download connector.
Name | Type | Description |
Buyer Name | String | Buyer Company Name |
Buyer Code | String | Fieldglass Buyer Code |
Supplier Name | String | Supplier Name |
Supplier Code | String | Fieldglass Supplier Code |
Account Name | String | Fieldglass Account Name |
Account Code | String | Fieldglass Account Code |
Remit To Address Code | String | Supplier's Remit To Address Code associated to the Worker. |
Job Posting Owner | String | Display Name of the Job Posting Owner |
Work Order ID | String | Fieldglass Work Order ID |
Worker ID | String | Fieldglass Worker ID |
Job Seeker ID | String | Fieldglass Job Seeker ID of the Worker. |
Worker Last Name | String | Worker's Last Name |
Worker First Name | String | Worker's First Name |
Site Code | String | Fieldglass Site Code |
Site Name | String | Fieldglass Site Name |
Business Unit Code | String | Fieldglass Business Unit Code |
Business Unit Name | String | Fieldglass Business Unit Name |
Final Approver First Name | String | Fieldglass Final Approver First Name. Will be blank if no approvals were necessary. |
Final Approver Last Name | String | Fieldglass Final Approver Last Name. Will be blank if no approvals were necessary. |
Final Approver Employee ID | String | Fieldglass Final Approver Employee ID Will be blank if no approvals were necessary or if no Employee ID exists on the Approvers User Profile. |
Final Approver Email | String | Fieldglass Approver Email Address. Will be blank if no approvals were necessary. |
Expense Sheet ID | String | Fieldglass Expense Sheet ID |
Expense Sheet Status | String | Expense Sheet Status |
Expense Sheet Submit Date | Date | Date and time the expense sheet was submitted in SAP Fieldglass. |
Expense Sheet Approved Date | Date | Date and time the expense sheet received final approval. If no approval was necessary, then date will equal the Submit date. |
Expense Entry Date | Date | Date the expense item was incurred. |
Cost Center Code | String | Fieldglass Cost Center Code |
Cost Center Name | String | Fieldglass Cost Center Name |
Expense Code | String | Fieldglass Expense Code representing the expense incurred. |
Expense Name | String | Fieldglass Expense Code Name representing the expense incurred. |
General Ledger Account Code | String | General Ledger Account Code associated to the Expense Code. This field is mutually exclusive with Segmented Object Detail. |
Segmented Object Detail | String | Segmented Object Detail string. Segments will be separated by delimiter on the Segmented Object. Valid delimiters are colon (:), semi-colon (;), pipe (|) and dash (-) Required if 'Enable Segmented Object Detail' configuration set. This field is mutually exclusive with GL Account fields More than one string can appear for a cost center. |
Merchant | String | Name of the merchant to whom the expense was paid. |
Description | String | Description of the expense. |
Units | Int | Units of the expense incurred. When the Expense Code is related to an Expense Type associated with Units, values will represent the unit of the Expense Type. If Expense Code is not unit based, 0 will be displayed. |
Rate | Decimal | If an Expense Type is associated to the Expense Code, then the rate will represent the pre-configured Expense Type Rate, otherwise the value will be 0. |
Billable Amount | Decimal | Billable amount of the expense. |
Non-billable Amount | Decimal | The non-billable amount of the expense. |
Currency | String | Three-character code for the currency associated with the expense. |
Invoice ID | String | Invoice ID associated with the Expense Sheet. If auto invoicing is enabled for expense sheets, then Approved Expenses will always have a corresponding Invoice ID. If auto invoicing is not enabled, Invoice IDs will be populated only if the supplier and/or MSP have generated invoices from the approved expenses prior to the download occurring. |
MSP % | Int | MSP's percentage for the expenses. |
Revision | String | Expense Sheet Revision/ Sequence.Company configuration 'Allow Submission of Revised Expense Sheets' must be enabled. |
Original Expense Sheet ID | String | Parent Expense Sheet ID.Company configuration 'Allow Submission of Revised Expense Sheets' must be enabled. |
Adjustment Name | String | Expense Code Adjustment Name |
Adjustment % | Decimal | Expense Code Adjustment percentage. |
Expense Amount | Decimal | Adjustment value without taxes applied. |
Expense Total | Decimal | Adjustment value with taxes applied. |
Account Category | String | Identifies the type of Cost Center. |