Establishing a Connection
The objects available within our connector are accessible from the "cdata.sapfieldglass" module. To use the module's objects directly:
- Import the module as follows:
import cdata.sapfieldglass as mod
- To establish a connection string, call the connect() method from the connector object using an appropriate connection string, such as:
Obtaining Your Credentials
Please contact your SAP Fieldglass representative to obtain an OAuthClientId, OAuthClientSecret, and EnvironmentURL.
Connecting to SAP Fieldglass
To authenticate to production environments, specify the following:
- APIKey: Your SAP Fieldglass API Key. To obtain this, log in to the SAP Fieldglass Integration Tools and click Create API Application Key.
- OAuthClientId: The OAuth Client Id that you obtained from your SAP Fieldglass representative.
- OAuthClientSecret: OAuth Client Secret that you obtained from your SAP Fieldglass representative.
- EnvironmentURL: The SAP Fieldglass Environment URL that you obtained from your SAP Fieldglass representative.