ODBC Driver for SAP Fieldglass

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieve Statement of Work (SOW) information using the SOW Download connector.


Name Type Description
SOW ID String Field glass SOW ID.
Revision Number Int SOW Revision number.
SOW Name String SOW name.
Start Date Date SOW start date.
End Date Date SOW end date.
Status String Name of the current SOW Status.
Supplier Code String SOW Supplier company code. If SOW template rule 'Suppress Supplier Name' is enabled, output will display 'XXXX' for SOW Bid and SOW Statuses of Draft/Pending Supplier Review/Pending Approval or Response Approval.
Supplier Name String SOW Supplier company name. If SOW template rule 'Suppress Supplier Name' is enabled, output will display 'Name Withheld' for SOW Bid and for SOW Statuses of Draft/Pending Supplier Review/Pending Approval or Response Approval. Also, if rule is enabled, Supplier Name will NOT be visible even for users who have the 'View Supplier Bid Responses' User Role Permission enabled.
Billable? String Indicates if SOW is billable to client.
Master SOW? String Flag to determine if this is a Mater SOW.
Legal Entity String Legal Entity code associated to SOW. Company configuration Enable Legal Entity must be turned on for Services.
Purchase Unit String Name of Purchase Unit. Company configuration 'Enable Purchase Unit' must be enabled. The User Role Permission 'Purchase Unit - View' must be enabled to view this information.
Purchase Unit Code String Code of Purchase Unit. Company configuration 'Enable Purchase Unit' must be enabled. The User Role Permission 'Purchase Unit - View' must be enabled to view this information.
Business Unit String Business unit code associated to SOW.
Clauses String This field will determine if clauses are in use by the SOW.
Management Events String This field will determine if the Management Event characteristic is in use by the SOW.
Schedules String This field will determine if the Schedule characteristic is in use by the SOW.
Events String This field will determine if Event characteristic is in use by the SOW.
Units/Reimbursable String This field will determine if any fee is defined in the SOW.
SOW Agency Workers String This field will determine if the Workers are in use by the SOW.
Automatically Extend SOW Worker End Dates to Match SOW EndDate String Indicates whether the SOW worker end dates are to be automatically extended to match the SOW end date.
Maximum Budget Decimal Maximum allowed amount to spend on the SOW.
Holdback % Decimal The holdback % that is set on the SOW. SOW template rule 'Enable Holdback' must be set.
Fee Response Holdback % Decimal The holdback % that is set on the SOW fee response. SOW template rule 'Enable Holdback' must be set.
Currency String Code of the currency used by the SOW.
Spend to Date Decimal Sum of the amount spend on the SOW.
Other Pending Spend Decimal The total amount of all schedules, events, units, and team-based amounts which are in pending status.
Remaining Budget Decimal Difference between Maximum Budget and Spend to Date values.
Cost Center Code String Cost Center code associated to the SOW.
Cost Center Name String Cost Center name associated to the SOW.
Create Date Date Create date of the SOW.
Submit Date Date Submit date of the SOW.
SOW Template Name String Name of the template from which SOW is Created.
SOW Template Type String Type of the template from SOW is created.
AP Code String The AP Code field appears only when the AP Code Required has been enabled in the company configuration for Contingent and/or Services: Work Orders and Workers. Custom Lookup: AP Code Selection must be created. The AP Code is associated to Work Order or SOW.
Additional Classifications String For MSOWs that have multiple classifications, this field displays the additional classifications added during creation or revision, separated by a (|) pipe delimiter. This field must be manually configured to appear in the download.
Additional Suppliers String Supplier code(s) for buyer separated by (|).Company configuration 'Master SOW' and 'Allow Multiple Suppliers' must be enabled.
Additional Legal Entities String Legal entities for buyer separated by (|).Company configuration 'Master SOW', 'Enable Legal Entities' and 'Allow Multiple Suppliers' must be enabled.
Additional Currency String Currency codes for buyer separated by (|).Company configuration 'Master SOW' and 'Allow Multiple Suppliers' must be enabled.
Commodity Code String Code for the commodity. This field must be manually configured to be in the download file template.
Commodity Code Description String Description of the commodity code.This field must be manually configured to be in the download file template.
Discount % Decimal The discount % on a SOW. If 'Enable Rates 2.0' is enabled, this field does not appear.
Work Location Code String The location code. Company configuration 'Allow Multiple Locations' must be enabled. Row will be repeated with the exact same information in all columns except the location columns. There will be as many duplicated rows as there are number of locations.
Work Location Name String The location name. Company configuration 'Allow Multiple Locations' must be enabled. Row will be repeated with the exact same information in all columns except the location columns. There will be as many duplicated rows as there are number of locations.
Primary Location String The primary location name.Company configuration 'Allow Multiple Locations' must be enabled. Row will be repeated with the exact same information in all columns except the location columns. There will be as many duplicated rows as there are number of locations.
Primary Location Code String The primary location code.Company configuration 'Allow Multiple Locations' must be enabled. Row will be repeated with the exact same information in all columns except the location columns. There will be as many duplicated rows as there are number of locations.

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Build 24.0.8963