ODBC Driver for SAP Fieldglass

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieve all time sheets in draft/rejected approval status using the Draft Rejected Time Sheet Download connector.

View Specific Information

The following pseudo-columns should be specified in the WHERE clause in order to query the view:

  • StartDate specifies the start date of time sheets.
  • Company specifies the buyer company for which time sheets are retrieved.

For example:

SELECT * FROM DraftRejectedTimeSheets WHERE StartDate = '2023/01/01' AND Company = 'CDT'


Name Type Description
Job_Seeker_Id String Unique identifier for the worker.
Last_Name String Worker's last name.
First_Name String Worker's first name.
Date Date Time sheet week starting date.
Week_Start_Date Date This field is only necessary when using bi-weekly or 8 day time sheets. For 8 day time sheets, enter hours via the Date and Week Start Date columns similar to the existing bi-weekly requirements.
Cost_Center_Code String Cost Center Code for which time is to be adjusted.
Cost_Center_Name String Cost Center Name for which time is to be adjusted.
Task_Code String Task Code for which time is to be adjusted.
Task_Name String Task Name for which time is to be adjusted.
GL_Account_Code String Must be from the list of current active GL account codes and must have an association to the worker for which time is being booked. This column is applicable only if 'Require GLA Allocation on Job Postings and Statements of Work' plug-in is On. This field is mutually exclusive with Segmented Object Detail field.
GL_Account_Name String Name related to the GL Account Code entered above.
Segmented Object Detail String Segmented Object Detail. Segments will be separated by delimiter on the Segmented Object. Valid delimiters are colon (:), semi-colon (;), pipe (|), and dash (-). Required if 'Enable Segmented Object Detail' set. This field is mutually exclusive with GL Account fields.
Rate_Category_Code String Rate Category Code for which time is to be adjusted. Rate Category Code listed will determine which of the worker's rates to apply to the hours entered.
Rate_Category_Name String Rate Category Name for which the time is to be adjusted.
UOM String Unit of measure for this given Rate Category.
Sun_Hrs Decimal Difference, in hours, from original time sheet. The maximum negative value allowed will be equal to the original time sheet hours for that period. Enter 0 or null if no change.
Mon_Hrs Decimal Difference, in hours, from original time sheet. The maximum negative value allowed will be equal to the original time sheet hours for that period. Enter 0 or null if no change.
Tue_Hrs Decimal Difference, in hours, from original time sheet. The maximum negative value allowed will be equal to the original time sheet hours for that period. Enter 0 or null if no change.
Wed_Hrs Decimal Difference, in hours, from original time sheet. The maximum negative value allowed will be equal to the original time sheet hours for that period. Enter 0 or null if no change.
Thu_Hrs Decimal Difference, in hours, from original time sheet. The maximum negative value allowed will be equal to the original time sheet hours for that period. Enter 0 or null if no change.
Fri_Hrs Decimal Difference, in hours, from original time sheet. The maximum negative value allowed will be equal to the original time sheet hours for that period. Enter 0 or null if no change.
Sat_Hrs Decimal Difference, in hours, from original time sheet. The maximum negative value allowed will be equal to the original time sheet hours for that period. Enter 0 or null if no change.
Location Code String The location code of the hours against the Rate/Rate Category for that day.Company configuration 'Allow Multiple Locations' must be enabled. Row will be repeated with the exact same information in all columns except the location columns. There will be as many duplicated rows as there are number of locations on the time sheet.This field does not display unless this download is configured to do so via the Enabled Fields tab's '+Add Native Fields' hyperlink.
Work Location Name String The location name of the hours against the Rate/Rate Category for that day.Company configuration 'Allow Multiple Locations' must be enabled. Row will be repeated with the exact same information in all columns except the location columns. There will be as many duplicated rows as there are number of locations on the time sheet.This field does not display unless this download is configured to do so via the Enabled Fields tab's '+Add Native Fields' hyperlink.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
StartDate Date This parameter specifies the start date of time sheets in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Company String This parameter specifies the buyer company for which time sheets are retrieved.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963