ODBC Driver for SAP Fieldglass

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieve all approved time sheets using the Approved Time Sheet Download connector.


Name Type Description
Time Sheet ID String Fieldglass Unique Identifier for the worker's time sheet.
Time Sheet Status String Status of the time sheet. For time sheets with status of 'Revoked', the 'Allow Revocation of Approved Time Sheets' company configuration must be enabled.
Time Sheet Start Date Date Start Date for the time sheet.
Time Sheet End Date Date End Date for the time sheet. May be one week after start, two weeks after start, or at month end.
Time Sheet Submit Date/Time Datetime Date and time stamp of the time sheet's most recent submission.
Time Sheet Approved Date Date Date and time stamp when the time sheet's final approval occurred. If no approvals occur, then this field will have the same value as the Time Sheet Submit Date/Time field.
Time Entry Date Date Calendar Day for which hours are being entered.
Buyer Name String Fieldglass Buyer Name to which the worker is related.
Buyer Code String Fieldglass Buyer Code to which the worker is related.
Supplier Name String Fieldglass Supplier Name that employs the worker.
Supplier Code String Fieldglass Supplier Code for the supplier that employs the worker.
Account Name String Fieldglass Account Name for large clients. If missing, identifies Supplier code that employs the worker.
Account Code String Fieldglass Account Code for large clients. If missing, identifies the supplier that employs the worker.
Remit To Address Code String Remit To Address Code chosen by supplier to be associated to the worker.
Job Posting Owner String Name of the SAP Fieldglass Job Posting Owner in 'First Last' format.
Work Order ID String Fieldglass Work Order ID related to the worker.
Worker ID String Fieldglass Worker ID that uniquely identifies the worker.
Job Seeker ID String Fieldglass Job Seeker ID which uniquely identified the worker as a Job Seeker prior to Work Order creation.
Worker Last Name String Worker's Last Name
Worker First Name String Worker's First Name
Site Code String Fieldglass Site Code associated to the worker.
Site Name String Name of the site which is associated to the worker.
Business Unit Code String Fieldglass Business Unit Code associated to the worker.
Business Unit Name String Name of business unit associated to the worker.
Final Approver First Name String First name of the last SAP Fieldglass user to approve the time sheet. Will be blank if no approvals were performed.
Final Approver Last Name String Last name of the last SAP Fieldglass user to approve the time sheet Will be blank if no approvals were performed.
Final Approver Employee ID String Employee ID from SAP Fieldglass User Profile of last user to approve the time sheet. Will be blank if approvals were not performed.
Final Approver Email String Email address from SAP Fieldglass User Profile of the last user to approve the time sheet. Will be blank if approvals were not performed.
Cost Center Code String SAP Fieldglass Cost Center Code the worker chose to allocate their hours against.
Cost Center Name String Name of the Cost Center the worker chose to allocate their hours against.
Task Code String SAP Fieldglass Task Code the worker chose to allocate their hours against.
Task Name String The Name of the Task the worker chose to allocate their time against.
General Ledger Account Code String The SAP Fieldglass General Ledger Account Code associated to the Task Code chosen. This field is mutually exclusive with Segmented Object Detail field.
Segmented Object Detail String Segmented Object Detail string. Segments will be separated by delimiter on the Segmented Object. Valid delimiters are colon (:), semi-colon (;), pipe (|) and dash (-). Required if 'Enable Segmented Object Detail' configuration set. This field is mutually exclusive with GL Account fields. Note - more than one string can appear for a cost center.
Billable Per Diem Decimal Billable Per Diem amount as indicated on the worker's current confirmed work order.
Billable Hours Decimal Billable Hours the Worker entered on his or her time sheet for the Time Entry Date, Cost Center, and Task Provided. Populated if the Task Code chosen by the worker has the Billable Flag set to Yes. If left blank on time sheet, a '0' will be populated in this field.
Non-billable Hours Decimal Non-billable hours the worker entered on his or her time sheet for the Time Entry Date, Cost Center, and Task Provided. Populated if the Task Code chosen by the worker has the Billable Flag set to No. If left blank on time sheet, a '0' will be populated in this field.
Total Hours Decimal Sum of all Billable and Non-billable Hours entered for the current record.
time_entry_comments String Indicates comments for date, cost center, task code, and rate category code/unit of measure. See Configuration Considerations to enable.
Billable Amount Decimal Sum of billable charges based on the Billable Hours and Billable Per Diem entered for the current record.
Billable Amount after Discount Decimal Billable Amount of the time sheet date after applying the discount.
Currency String Currency code for the Billable Amount listed above.
Rate Category/UOM String Combination of the Rate Category chosen to allocate the hours booked by the worker and the Unit of Measure to which the Rate Category is associated.
Bill Rate Buyer Decimal The Bill Rate the buyer is to pay for the Rate Category per each UOM. The value is expressed in the currency provided in the Currency field explained above.
Bill Rate Supplier Decimal The Bill Rate the supplier is paid for the Rate Category per each UOM. The value is expressed in the currency provided in the Currency field explained above.
Pay Rate Decimal The amount the worker is paid for the Rate Category per each UOM. Value is expressed in the currency provided in the Currency field explained above. If the supplier does not enter a pay rate for the worker in SAP Fieldglass, then this field will be populated with a '0'.
SOW ID String Identifies the Statement Of Work for which the time sheet applies. Only applicable for SOW worker time sheets.
Account Category String Identifies the type of Cost Center.
Work Location Name String The location name of the hours against the Rate/Rate Category for that day.Company configuration 'Allow Multiple Locations' must be enabled. Row will be repeated with the exact same information in all columns except the location columns. There will be as many duplicated rows as there are number of locations on the time sheet.This field does not display unless this download is configured to do so via the Enabled Fields tab's '+Add Native Fields' hyperlink.
Location Code String The location code of the hours against the Rate/Rate Category for that day.Company configuration 'Allow Multiple Locations' must be enabled. Row will be repeated with the exact same information in all columns except the location columns. There will be as many duplicated rows as there are number of locations on the time sheet.This field does not display unless this download is configured to do so via the Enabled Fields tab's '+Add Native Fields' hyperlink.

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Build 24.0.8963