ODBC Driver for SAP Fieldglass

Build 24.0.9175


Specifies additional hidden properties for specific use cases. These are not required for typical provider functionality. Use a semicolon-separated list to define multiple properties.

Data Type


Default Value



This property allows advanced users to configure hidden properties for specialized scenarios. These settings are not required for normal use cases but can address unique requirements or provide additional functionality. Multiple properties can be defined in a semicolon-separated list.

Note: It is strongly recommended to set these properties only when advised by the support team to address specific scenarios or issues.

Specify multiple properties in a semicolon-separated list.

Caching Configuration

CachePartial=TrueCaches only a subset of columns, which you can specify in your query.
QueryPassthrough=TruePasses the specified query to the cache database instead of using the SQL parser of the driver.

Integration and Formatting

SupportAccessLinkedModeIn Access' linked mode, it is generally a good idea to always use a cache as most data sources do not support multiple Id queries. However, if you want to use the driver in Access but not in linked mode, this property must be set to False to avoid using a cache of a SELECT * query for the given table.
DefaultColumnSizeSets the default length of string fields when the data source does not provide column length in the metadata. The default value is 2000.
ConvertDateTimeToGMTDetermines whether to convert date-time values to GMT, instead of the local time of the machine.
RecordToFile=filenameRecords the underlying socket data transfer to the specified file.

OAuth Properties

InitiateOAuthSet this property to initiate the process to obtain or refresh the OAuth access token when you connect. The following options are available:
  • OFF: Indicates that the OAuth flow is handled entirely by the user. An OAuthAccessToken is required to authenticate.
  • GETANDREFRESH: Indicates that the entire OAuth flow is handled by the driver. If no token currently exists, it is obtained by prompting the user via the browser. If a token exists, it is refreshed when applicable.
  • REFRESH: Indicates that the driver only handles refreshing the OAuthAccessToken. The user is never prompted by the driver to authenticate via the browser. The user must handle obtaining the OAuthAccessToken and OAuthRefreshToken initially.
OAuthSettingsLocationThe location of the settings file where OAuth values are saved when InitiateOAuth is set to true. When InitiateOAuth is enabled, the driver saves OAuth values to a settings file to avoid requiring the user to manually enter OAuth connection properties. When the user's OAuth session expires, the driver automatically obtains a new access token if InitiateOAuth is enabled.

If InitiateOAuth is enabled but OAuthSettingsLocation is not defined, the driver uses a default settings file, %AppData%\CData\SAPFieldglass Data Provider\OAuthSettings.txt on Windows. On macOS, this file is located in ~/Library/Application Support/CData/SAPFieldglass Data Provider/OAuthSettings.txt. On Linux, ~/cdata/.config.

OAuthAccessToken The OAuthAccessToken is retrieved from the OAuth server as part of the authentication process. It has a server-dependent timeout and can be reused between requests.

The access token is used in place of your user name and password. The access token protects your credentials by keeping them on the server.

OAuthRefreshTokenThe OAuthRefreshToken property is used to refresh the OAuthAccessToken when using OAuth authentication.

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Build 24.0.9175