Gets list of pipelines and also retrive a single pipeline
Table Specific Information
Streak allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available column for Pipelines is PipelineKey. For example:
SELECT * FROM Pipelines WHERE PipelineKey='agxzfm1haWxmb29nYWVyMAsSDE9yZ2abaXphdGlvbiIJY2RhdGEuY29tDAsSCFdvcmtmbG93GICArJ_i0_EIDA'
Name | Type | References | Description |
PipelineKey [KEY] | String | Key of the pipeline. | |
TeamKey | String |
Teams.TeamKey | Key of the team. |
CreatorKey | String |
Users.UserKey | The user key of the user that created the pipeline. |
Name | String | The name of this pipeline. | |
OrgWide | Boolean | Whether the organization is wide. | |
SharingRestrictedToOrg | Boolean | Whether the sharing is restricted to organization only or not. | |
TeamWide | Boolean | Whether this pipeline is shared with all users in the organization (same domain in email address). | |
SharingRestrictedToTeam | Boolean | Whether sharing is restricted to your team only or not. | |
StageOrder | String | Editable array which allows you to reorder the stages. This modifies the order of the stages that appear in the web UI. | |
StageColorTheme | String | Color theme of the stage. | |
CreationTimestamp | Timestamp | When the pipeline was created. | |
LastUpdatedTimestamp | Timestamp | When the pipeline was last updated. | |
CustomPermissionSets | String | Custom permission sets. | |
DefaultPermissionSetName | String | Default permission set name. | |
AclEntries | String | An array of ACL objects (with properties: fullName, email, isOwner, image) which determines a list of users who have access to this pipeline. | |
CreationSourceType | String | Source type used to create the pipeline. | |
BoxCountHint | Integer | Box count hint. | |
BoxCount | Integer | Number of boxes for this pipeline. | |
LastSavedTimestamp | Timestamp | When the pipeline was last saved. |