JDBC Driver for Streak

Build 22.0.8462


Gets list of pipelines and also retrive a single pipeline

Table Specific Information


Streak allows only a small subset of columns to be used in the WHERE clause of a SELECT query. These columns can typically be used with only = comparision. The available column for Pipelines is PipelineKey. For example:

SELECT * FROM Pipelines WHERE PipelineKey='agxzfm1haWxmb29nYWVyMAsSDE9yZ2abaXphdGlvbiIJY2RhdGEuY29tDAsSCFdvcmtmbG93GICArJ_i0_EIDA'


Name Type References Description
PipelineKey [KEY] String Key of the pipeline.
TeamKey String


Key of the team.
CreatorKey String


The user key of the user that created the pipeline.
Name String The name of this pipeline.
OrgWide Boolean Whether the organization is wide.
SharingRestrictedToOrg Boolean Whether the sharing is restricted to organization only or not.
TeamWide Boolean Whether this pipeline is shared with all users in the organization (same domain in email address).
SharingRestrictedToTeam Boolean Whether sharing is restricted to your team only or not.
StageOrder String Editable array which allows you to reorder the stages. This modifies the order of the stages that appear in the web UI.
StageColorTheme String Color theme of the stage.
CreationTimestamp Timestamp When the pipeline was created.
LastUpdatedTimestamp Timestamp When the pipeline was last updated.
CustomPermissionSets String Custom permission sets.
DefaultPermissionSetName String Default permission set name.
AclEntries String An array of ACL objects (with properties: fullName, email, isOwner, image) which determines a list of users who have access to this pipeline.
CreationSourceType String Source type used to create the pipeline.
BoxCountHint Integer Box count hint.
BoxCount Integer Number of boxes for this pipeline.
LastSavedTimestamp Timestamp When the pipeline was last saved.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462