ODBC Driver for DocuSign

Build 24.0.9060


Create and sends an envelope or creates a draft envelope.

Table Specific Information


Create the envelope.

The required columns to run the stored procedure are EmailSubject, DocumentId, FileLocation or Content. The possible additional columns required while pasing single signers include SignersRecipientId and incase of CarbonCopies, the additional columns will be CcEmail and CcRecipientId.

EXECUTE CreateAndSendEnvelope EmailSubject = 'Please sign this document', FileName = 'sample', DocumentId = '1', CcEmail = '[email protected]', SignersRecipientId = '1', CcRecipientId = '2', FileLocation = 'C:/Users/cdata/Downloads/sample.pdf'

If you are using Document other than PDF. Then DocumentFileExtension is mandatory.

EXECUTE CreateAndSendEnvelope EmailSubject = 'Please sign this document', FileName = 'sample', DocumentId = '1', DocumentFileExtension = 'docx', CcEmail = '[email protected]', SignersRecipientId = '1', CcRecipientId = '2', Content = InputStream

Create the envelope with customfields. The possible columns for customfields are CustomFieldName, CustomFieldId, CustomFieldShow, CustomFieldRequired, CustomFieldValue, CustomFieldConfigurationType, CustomFieldType and CustomFieldListItems.

INSERT INTO CreateAndSendEnvelope#TEMP (CustomFieldtest, CustomFieldValue, CustomFieldId, CustomFieldType) VALUES ('vk', 'test', 1, TextCustomFields)
EXECUTE CreateAndSendEnvelope EmailSubject = 'Please sign this document', FileName = 'sample', DocumentId = 1, CCEmail = '[email protected]', SignersRecipientId = 2, CcRecipientId = 1, FileLocation = 'C:/Users/cdata/Downloads/sample.pdf', CustomFieldAggregate = 'CreateAndSendEnvelope#TEMP' 

INSERT INTO CreateAndSendEnvelope#TEMP (CustomFieldName, CustomFieldValue, CustomFieldId, CustomFieldType) VALUES ('test2', 'test_custom',480730, TextCustomFields)
INSERT INTO CreateAndSendEnvelope#TEMP (CustomFieldName, CustomFieldValue, CustomFieldId, CustomFieldType) VALUES ('test21', 'test_custom1',480731, ListCustomFields)
EXEC CreateandSendEnvelope EmailSubject=?,CustomFieldAggregate=?","test,CreateAndSendEnvelope#TEMP

The second way of using the Stored Procedure is by adding the aggregate itself:

EXEC CreateandSendEnvelope EmailSubject=?,DocumentId=?,FileLocation='D:\\\\Raj Shekhar Gupta\\\\testing.pdf',FileName=?,CustomFieldAggregate='{\"listCustomFields\": [{\"name\": \"Customfieldstest1\",\"show\": \"true\",\"required\": \"true\",\"value\": \"anirudhtest\"}]}'","Please sign this document on priority,122,testing123"

Create the envelope with multiple values of Signers, CarbonCopies and Documents by adding the aggregate itself for SignersAggregate, CarbonCopiesAggregate and DocumentsAggregate. In case

EXEC CreateandSendEnvelope EmailSubject=?,DocumentId=?,FileLocation='D:\\\\Raj Shekhar Gupta\\\\testing.pdf',FileName=?,CarbonCopiesAggregate='[{\"email\": \"[email protected]\",\"name\": \"anirudhk\"}]',CustomFieldAggregate='{\"listCustomFields\": [{\"name\": \"Customfieldstest1\",\"show\": \"true\",\"required\": \"true\",\"value\": \"anirudhtest\"}]}',SignersAggregate='[{\"email\": \"[email protected]\",\"name\": \"raj\",\"recipientId\": \"84570874\",\"tabs\": {\"signHereTabs\": [{\"anchorYOffset\": \"10\",\"anchorString\":\"signature_1\",\"anchorUnits\": \"pixels\",\"anchorXOffset\": \"20\"}]}}]'","Please sign this document on priority,122,testing123

Create the envelope with multiple values of Documents by adding the aggregate itself for DocumentsAggregate and providing the base64encoded value for the document.

EXEC CreateandSendEnvelope EmailSubject='Please reply',CarbonCopiesAggregate='[{\"email\": \"[email protected]\",\"recipientId\": \"7\",\"name\": \"anirudhk\"}]',DocumentsAggregate='[{\"documentBase64\": \"encoded\",\"name\": \"testing\",\"documentId\": \"122\"},{\"documentBase64\": \"encoded\",\"documentId\": \"124\",\"name\":\"anirudh\"}]';
Note: While using this Stored Procedure, Please avoid giving DOCX suffix for docx file, PDF suffix from pdf file and HTML Suffix from html file in FileName input (If you are not providing an extension in FileName). The source throws an error if these suffix are included in filename.


Name Type Required Description
Status String False Set the status as sent to send the envelope to recipients. Or Set the status as created to save the envelope as a draft. By default it will be created

The allowed values are sent, created.

EmailSubject String True The subject of the email used to send the envelope
DocumentId String False Id for the document
DocumentFileExtension String False FileExtension of the document. Use this input if the file is not PDF.

The allowed values are docx, pdf, html.

FileLocation String False File location. For example: C:\File.pdf
FileName String False Document name. This is required when content is not null.
SignersEmail String False Email id of the documents signers
SignersRoutingOrder String False Routing order of signers
SignersRecipientId String False Signers reciepent id
SignersName String False Name of the document signers
CcEmail String False Email id of the Cc recipients
CcName String False Name of the Cc recipients
CcRecipientId String False Cc Recipent id
CcRoutingOrder String False Cc Routing order
CustomFieldAggregate String False CustomfieldAggregate.The possible columns are CustomFieldName, CustomFieldId, CustomFieldShow, CustomFieldRequired, CustomFieldValue, CustomFieldConfiguration, CustomFieldListItems
CarbonCopiesAggregate String False CarbonCopiesAggregate.
SignersAggregate String False SignersAggregate.
DocumentsAggregate String False DocumentsAggregate.

Result Set Columns

Name Type Description
Success String Determines whether the operation is successful or not

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Build 24.0.9060