Excel Add-In for DocuSign

Build 24.0.9062


The Envelope provides methods that allow you to manage envelopes

View Specific Information

The 本製品 will use the DocuSign API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

  • EnvelopeId supports the '='.
  • Status supports the '='.
  • DateToSearch supports the '=,>,>=,<,<='.

For example, the following queries are processed server side:

SELECT * FROM Envelopes WHERE EnvelopeId = '764c564c-b540-42d1-a667-ccee6813ef7b'
SELECT * from Envelopes where DateToSearch <= '2024-05-15 10:55:11'
SELECT * from Envelopes where DateToSearch >= '2024-05-15 10:55:11'


Name Type References Description
EnvelopeId [KEY] String The envelope ID.
EnvelopeUri String Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the envelope or envelopes.
Status String Indicates the envelope status. Valid values are: completed - The envelope has been completed and all tags have been signed. created - The envelope is created as a draft. It can be modified and sent later. declined - The envelope has been declined by the recipients. delivered - The envelope has been delivered to the recipients. sent - The envelope is sent to the recipients. signed - The envelope has been signed by the recipients. voided - The envelope is no longer valid and recipients cannot access or sign the envelope.
EnvelopeIdStamping String When set to true, Envelope ID Stamping is enabled.
EmailSubject String Specifies the subject of the email that is sent to all recipients.
EmailBlurb String This is the same as the email body.
SenderUserName String The sender username associated with the envelope.
SenderUserId String The sender user ID associated with the envelope.
SenderAccountId String The sender account ID associated with the envelope.
SenderEmail String The sender email associated with the envelope.
DocumentsUri String Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the documents.
DocumentsCombinedUri String Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the combined documents.
AttachmentsUri String Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the attachments.
RecipientsUri String Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the recipients.
CustomFieldsUri String Contains a URI for an endpoint to retrieve the custom fields.
CertificateUri String Retrieves a URI for an endpoint allowing you to easily retrieve certificate information.
NotificationUri String Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the notifications.
SigningLocation String Specifies the physical location where the signing takes place. It can have two enumeration values; InPerson and Online. The default value is Online.
BrandId String The unique identifier of a brand.
BrandLock String Lock of the brand.
SentDateTime Datetime The date and time the envelope was sent.
CompletedDateTime Datetime Specifies the date and time this item was completed.
CreatedDateTime Datetime Indicates the date and time the item was created.
DeclinedDateTime Datetime The date and time the recipient declined the document.
LastModifiedDateTime Datetime The date and time the item was last modified.
DeletedDateTime Datetime Specifies the data and time the item was deleted.
StatusChangedDateTime Datetime The data and time the status changed.
VoidedDateTime Datetime The date and time the envelope was voided.
VoidedReason String The reason the envelope was voided.
MessageLock String When set to true, prevents senders from changing the contents of emailBlurb and emailSubject properties for the envelope.
RecipientsLock String When set to true, prevents senders from changing, correcting, or deleting the recipient information for the envelope.
PurgeState String Shows the current purge state for the envelope. The possible values are: unpurged: There has been no successful request to purge documents. documents_queued: The envelope documents have been added to the purge queue, but have not been purged. documents_dequeued: The envelope documents have been taken out of the purge queue. documents_and_metadata_queued: The envelope documents and metadata have been added to the purge queue, but have not yet been purged. documents_purged: The envelope documents have been successfully purged. documents_and_metadata_purged: The envelope documents and metadata have been successfully purged.
EnableWetSign String When set to true, the signer is allowed to print the document and sign it on paper.
EnforceSignerVisibility String When set to true, documents with tabs can only be viewed by signers that have a tab on that document. Recipients that have an administrative role (Agent, Editor, or Intermediaries) or informational role (Certified Deliveries or Carbon Copies) can always see all the documents in an envelope, unless they are specifically excluded using this setting when an envelope is sent.
AllowReassign String When set to true, the recipient can redirect an envelope to a more appropriate recipient.
AllowMarkup String When set to true, Document Markup is enabled for envelope.
Asynchronous String When set to true, the envelope is queued for processing and the value of the status property is set to 'Processing'. Additionally, get status calls return 'Processing' until completed.
AuthoritativeCopy String Specifies whether all documents in this envelope are authoritative copies.
AuthoritativeCopyDefault String The default authoritativeCopy setting for documents in this envelope that do not have authoritativeCopy set.
AutoNavigation String Specifies whether auto navigation is set for the recipient.
ItemURL String Contains a ItemUrl to retrieve the envelopes.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
DateToSearch Datetime Date to search.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9062