JDBC Driver for DocuSign

Build 24.0.8963


The PowerForms resource provides methods that allow you to manage power forms.

View Specific Information

The 本製品 will use the DocuSign API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following column and operator. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

  • PowerFormId supports the '='.

For example, the following query is processed server side:

SELECT * FROM PowerForms WHERE PowerFormId = '3caf8d81-1c18-4ff6-bc1b-39e4ab8c2692'


Name Type References Description
PowerFormId [KEY] String The unique identifier of the power form.
Name String PowerForm name.
PowerFormUrl String Contains a URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the PowerForms.
PowerFormV2Url String Contains V2 URI for an endpoint that you can use to retrieve the PowerForms.
Uri String Uri of the powerforms.
TemplateId String


The unique identifier of the template. If this is not provided, DocuSign will generate a value.
TemplateName String Name of the template.
CreatedBy String Creator name.
CreatedDateTime Datetime Indicates the date and time the item was created.
SenderName String Name of the sender.
SenderUserId String User Id of the sender.
EmailBody String Email body of the message sent to the recipient.
EmailSubject String The subject of the email that is sent to all recipients.
SigningMode String Specifies the mode of the signing.
Instructions String Specifies the PowerForm instructions.
IsActive Boolean Indicates the status of the PowerForm.
TimesUsed Integer Indicates number of times the item was used.
LastUsed Datetime Indicates the date and time the item was used for the last time.
MaxUseEnabled Boolean The maximum of using times for the item.
UsesRemaining Integer The remaining number of times the item can be used.
LimitUseIntervalEnabled Boolean Status of the LimitUseInterval.
LimitUseInterval String Specifies the interval of the uses limit.
LimitUseIntervalUnits String Unit type of the LimitUseInterval.

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Build 24.0.8963