ADO.NET Provider for DocuSign

Build 24.0.8963


Gets the general status of a specific bulk send batch .

View Specific Information

In order to make a successful request on this view, you have to specify:

  • BulkSendBatchId - Id of bulk send batch.

For example:

SELECT * FROM BulkSendBatchStatus where bulksendbatchid='2a554c07-6c-bccda356db31'


Name Type References Description
BulkSendBatchId String Specifies an identifier which can be used to retrieve a more detailed status of individual bulk recipient batches.
BatchSize Integer The number of items returned in this response.
EnvelopesUri String Uri of the bulk envelopes.
SubmittedDate Datetime The date that it is submitted.
Sent Integer The number of entries with a status of sent.
Failed Integer The number of entries with a status of failed.
Queued Integer The number of entries with a status of queued.
EnvelopeIdOrTemplateId String The number of entries with a status of queued.
Action String Action.
ActionStatus String Action Status.
BatchName String The batch name.
BulkErrors String Bulk Errors.
EnvelopesInfo String Envelopes Info.
MailingListId String The ID of the mailing list used to create the batch.
MailingListName String The name of the mailing list used to create the batch.
OwnerUserId String The Owner User Id.
ResendsRemaining String Resends Remaining.
SenderUserId String Sender User Id.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963