Tableau Connector for BigCommerce

Build 24.0.9111


Lists all transactions.


Name Type References Description
Id [KEY] Integer Unique identifier for the transaction.
OrderId String Identifier for the BigCommerce Order with which this transaction is associated.
Event String Store event that created the transaction.
Method String The payment method.
Amount Decimal Amount of money in the transaction.
Currency String Currency used for the transaction.
Gateway String The payment gateway.
Status String Status of the transaction.
GatewayTransactionId String The transaction ID returned by the payment gateway for this transaction item.
DateCreated Datetime The datetime of the transaction.
Test Boolean True if the transaction performed was a test, or if the gateway is in test mode.
FraudReview Boolean Result of gateway fraud review, if any.
ReferenceTransactionId Integer Identifier for an existing transaction upon which this transaction acts.
OfflineDisplayName String Display name for the offline payment.
CustomPaymentMethod String Custom payment from manual order.
PaymentMethodId String The payment method ID used for this transaction.
PaymentInstrumentToken String Internal BigPay token for stored card.
AVSResultCode String AVS code from the payment gateway.
AVSResultMessage String AVS message from the payment gateway.
AVSResultStreetMatch String AVS Code for street matching result.
AVSResultPostalMatch String AVS Code for postal matching result.
CVVResultCode String CVV Code from the payment Gateway.
CVVResultMessage String CVV Message from the payment Gateway.
CreditCardType String Type of credit-card.
CreditCardIIN String The IIN of a credit-card number.
CreditCardLast4 String The last 4 digits of a credit-card number.
CreditCardExpiryMonth Integer The expiry month of a credit-card.
CreditCardExpiryYear Integer The expiry year of a credit-card.
GiftCertificateCode String The gift-certificate code.
GiftCertificateOriginalBalance Decimal The balance on a gift certificate when it was purchased.
GiftCertificateStartingBalance Decimal The balance on a gift certificate at the time of this purchase.
GiftCertificateRemainingBalance Decimal The remaining balance on a gift certificate.
GiftCertificateStatus String The status of a gift certificate.
StoreCreditRemainingBalance Decimal Remaining balance of shopper's store credit.

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Build 24.0.9111