Returns data from products table.
Table Specific Information
The connector uses the BigCommerce API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:
- Id supports the '=, >=, >, <=, <' comparison.
- Name supports the '=' comparison.
- Sku supports the '=' comparison.
- Description supports the '=' comparison.
- Price supports the '=' comparison.
- IsVisible supports the '=' comparison.
- IsFeatured supports the '=' comparison.
- InventoryLevel supports the '=, >=, >, <=, <' comparison.
- DateCreated supports the '=, >=, >, <=, <' comparison.
- BrandId supports the '=' comparison.
- DateModified supports the '=, >=, >, <=, <' comparison.
- Condition supports the '=' comparison.
- DateLastImported supports the '=, >=, >, <=, <' comparison.
- Availability supports the '=' comparison.
The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the connector.
For example, the following queries are processed server-side:
SELECT * FROM Products WHERE Id > 5 AND Id < 10 SELECT * FROM Products WHERE IsVisible = "true" AND DateCreated >= "2020-01-01" AND DateCreated <= "2020-02-01"
To insert a new Product, you need to specify at least the following columns: Name, Type, Description, Price, Categories, Availability and Weight
INSERT INTO Products (Name, Type, Description, Price, Categories, Availability, Weight) VALUES ("Plain T-Shirt", "physical", "This is a test description", 29.99, 18, "available", 0.5)
Inserting Products with more than one Variants using Temp table or Aggregegates.
INSERT INTO ProductVariantValues#TEMP (Label, DisplayName, id) VALUES ('Blue', 'Color', 1) INSERT INTO ProductVariantValues#TEMP (Label, DisplayName, id) VALUES ('Yellow', 'Color', 2) INSERT INTO ProductVariants#TEMP (SKU, LinkedOptionValues, id) VALUES ('SKU-AB', 'ProductVariantValues#TEMP', 1) INSERT INTO ProductVariants#TEMP (SKU, LinkedOptionValues, id) VALUES ('SKU-CD', 'ProductVariantValues#TEMP', 2) INSERT INTO Products (Name, Type, Weight, Price, ProductVariants) VALUES ('BC-8', 'physical', 60, 5700, 'ProductVariants#TEMP')
INSERT INTO Products (Name, Type, Weight, Price, ProductVariants) VALUES ('BC-95', 'physical', 99, 5800, '[{"sku": "SKU-MM","option_values": [{"option_display_name": "Song","id": "1","label": "Mary"}]}, {"sku": "SKU-DE","option_values": [{"option_display_name": "Song","id": "2","label": "Jane"}]}]')
Inserting Products with one Variant
INSERT INTO ProductVariantValues#TEMP (Label, DisplayName) VALUES ('Blue', 'Color') INSERT INTO ProductVariants#TEMP (SKU, LinkedOptionValues) VALUES ('SKU-AB', 'ProductVariantValues#TEMP') INSERT INTO Products (Name, Type, Weight, Price, ProductVariants) VALUES ('BC-8', 'physical', 60, 5700, 'ProductVariants#TEMP')
Bulk Update
INSERT INTO Update#TEMP (Description, id, name, sku, categories, RelatedProducts, MetaKeywords, IsCustomized, Url) VALUES ('my_details', '80', 'hello123', 'OTL', '19, 23', '1, 2', '"pqr", "xyz"', false, '/orbit-terrarium-large/' INSERT INTO Update#TEMP (Description, id, name, sku, categories, RelatedProducts, MetaKeywords, IsCustomized, Url) VALUES ('my_details1', '86', 'example', 'ABS', '23, 21', '3, 4', '"abc", "an"', false, '/able-brewing-system/' UPDATE products (Description, id, name, sku, categories, RelatedProducts, MetaKeywords, IsCustomized, Url) SELECT Description, id, name, sku, categories, RelatedProducts, MetaKeywords, IsCustomized, Url FROM Update#TEMP
Bulk Update Using Aggregates.
INSERT INTO Update#TEMP (Description, id, name, sku, categories, RelatedProducts, MetaKeywords, CustomUrl) VALUES ('details1', '77', 'name4456', 'SLCTBS', '23, 18', '10', '"abcd", "ab"', '{ "is_customized": False, "url" : "/fog-linen-chambray-towel-beige-stripe/" }') UPDATE products (Description, id, name, sku, categories, RelatedProducts, CustomUrl) SELECT Description, id, name, sku, categories, RelatedProducts, CustomUrl FROM Update#TEMP
Name | Type | ReadOnly | References | Description |
Id [KEY] | Integer | True |
The Id of the product. | |
Name | String | False |
The product name. | |
Type | String | False |
The product type. | |
Sku | String | True |
User-defined product code/stock keeping unit (SKU) | |
Description | String | False |
Product description, which can include HTML formatting. | |
SearchKeywords | String | False |
A comma-separated list of keywords that can be used to locate the product when searching the store. | |
AvailabilityDescription | String | False |
Availability text, displayed on the checkout page under the product title, telling the customer how long it will normally take to ship this product. | |
Price | Decimal | False |
The products price. | |
CostPrice | Decimal | False |
The products cost price. | |
RetailPrice | Decimal | False |
The products retail cost. | |
SalePrice | Decimal | False |
Sale price. | |
MapPrice | Decimal | False |
Map price. | |
ProductTaxCode | String | False |
Tax Codes. | |
CalculatedPrice | Decimal | True |
Price as displayed to guests, adjusted for applicable sales and rules. | |
SortOrder | Integer | False |
Priority to give this product when included in product lists on category pages and in search results. | |
IsVisible | Boolean | False |
Flag to determine whether or not the product should be displayed to customers browsing. | |
IsFeatured | Boolean | False |
Flag to determine whether the product should be included in the featured products panel for shoppers viewing the store. | |
RelatedProducts | String | False |
Defaults to -1, which causes the store to automatically generate a list of related products. | |
InventoryLevel | String | False |
Current inventory level of the product. | |
InventoryWarningLevel | String | False |
Inventory Warning level for the product. | |
Warranty | String | False |
Warranty information displayed on the product page. | |
Weight | Decimal | False |
Weight of the product, which can be used when calculating shipping costs. | |
Width | Decimal | False |
Width of the product, which can be used when calculating shipping costs. | |
Height | Decimal | False |
Height of the product, which can be used when calculating shipping costs. | |
Depth | Decimal | False |
Depth of the product, which can be used when calculating shipping costs. | |
FixedCostShippingPrice | Decimal | False |
A fixed shipping cost for the product. | |
IsFreeShipping | Boolean | False |
Flag used to indicate whether or not the product has free shipping. | |
InventoryTracking | String | False |
The type of inventory tracking for the product. | |
RatingTotal | Integer | False |
The total rating for the product. | |
RatingCount | Integer | False |
The total number of ratings the product has had. | |
ReviewsRatingSum | Integer | True |
The total (cumulative) rating for the product. | |
ReviewsCount | Integer | True |
The number of times the product has been rated. | |
TotalSold | Integer | False |
Total quantity of this product sold through transactions. | |
DateCreated | Datetime | False |
The date of which the product was created. | |
BrandId | Integer | True |
The products brand | |
ViewCount | Integer | False |
The number of times the product has been viewed. | |
PageTitle | String | False |
Custom title for the products page. | |
MetaKeywords | String | False |
Custom meta keywords for the product page. | |
MetaDescription | String | False |
Custom meta description for the product page. | |
LayoutFile | String | False |
The layout template file used to render this product category. | |
IsPriceHidden | Boolean | False |
The default false value indicates that this products price should be shown on the product page. | |
PriceHiddenLabel | String | False |
By default, an empty string. If is_price_hidden is true, the value of price_hidden_label will be displayed instead of the price. | |
Categories | Int[] | False |
An array of IDs for the categories this product belongs to. When updating a product, if an array of categories is supplied, then all product categories will be overwritten. | |
DateModified | Datetime | False |
The date that the product was last modified. | |
Condition | String | False |
The products condition. | |
IsConditionShown | Boolean | False |
Flag used to determine whether the products condition will be shown to the customer on the product page. | |
PreorderReleaseDate | Datetime | False |
Pre-order release date. | |
IsPreorderOnly | Boolean | False |
If set to false, the product will not change its availability from preorder to available on the release date. | |
PreorderMessage | String | False |
Custom expected-date message to display on the product page. | |
OrderQuantityMinimum | Integer | False |
The minimum quantity an order must contain in order to purchase this product. | |
OrderQuantityMaximum | Integer | False |
The maximum quantity an order can contain when purchasing the product. | |
OpenGraphType | String | False |
Type of product. | |
OpenGraphTitle | String | False |
Title of the product. If not specified, the products name will be used instead. | |
OpenGraphDescription | String | False |
Description to use for the product. | |
OpenGraphUseMetaDescription | Boolean | False |
Flag to determine if product description or open graph description is used. | |
OpenGraphUseProductName | Boolean | False |
Flag to determine if product name or open graph name is used. | |
OpenGraphUseImage | Boolean | False |
Flag to determine if product image or open graph image is used. | |
IsOpenGraphThumbnail | Boolean | False |
If set to true, the product thumbnail image will be used as the open graph image. | |
UPC | String | False |
The product UPC code, which is used in feeds for shopping comparison sites. | |
GTIN | String | False |
Global Trade Item Number. | |
OptionSetId | Integer | True |
The ID of the option set applied to the product. | |
TaxClassId | Integer | True |
The ID of the tax class applied to the product. | |
OptionSetDisplay | String | True |
The position on the product page where options from the option set will be displayed. | |
BinPickingNumber | String | False |
The BIN picking number for the product. | |
CustomUrl | String | False |
Custom URL (if set) overriding the structure dictated in the stores settings. | |
CustomFields | String | False |
200 maximum custom fields per product. 255 maximum characters per custom field. | |
ManufacturerPartNumber | String | False |
Manufacturer Part Number. | |
IsCustomized | Boolean | False |
Returns true if the URL has been changed from its default state (the auto-assigned URL that BigCommerce provides. | |
Url | String | False |
Product URL on the storefront. | |
Availability | String | False |
Availability of the product. | |
PrimaryImageId | Integer | True |
Id of the primary image. | |
PrimaryImageProductId | Integer | True |
ProductId of the primary image. | |
PrimaryImageIsThumbnail | Boolean | True |
Primary image Is Thumbnail or not. | |
PrimaryImageSortOrder | String | True |
Sort Order of the primary image. | |
PrimaryImageDescription | String | True |
Description of the primary image. | |
PrimaryImageImageFile | String | True |
Image file of the primary image. | |
PrimaryImageUrlZoom | String | True |
Zoom Url of the primary image. | |
PrimaryImageStandardUrl | String | True |
Standard url of the primary image. | |
PrimaryImageUrlThumbnail | String | True |
Thumbnail url of the primary image. | |
PrimaryImageUrlTiny | String | True |
Tiny url of the primary image. | |
PrimaryImageDateModified | Datetime | True |
Modified Date of the primary image. | |
GiftWrappingOptionsType | String | True |
Type of gift-wrapping options. | |
GiftWrappingOptionsList | String | True |
Type of gift-wrapping option IDs. | |
BaseVariantId | String | True |
Base Variant Id. |
Name | Type | Description |
ProductVariants | String |
Variants of the Products |