SSIS Components for BigCommerce

Build 24.0.9111


Returns Items ordered for every order.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the BigCommerce API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • Id supports the '=' comparison.
  • OrderId supports the '=, and IN' comparison.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the 本製品.

For example, the following queries are processed server-side:

SELECT * FROM OrderItems WHERE Id = 1 

SELECT * FROM OrderItems where OrderId=100

Inserting an Existing Product

To insert an existing product to the OrderItems for a specified Order, order options for that table must be specified. For this reason, before inserting an existing product to the OrderItems, you need to populate a temporary OrderItemOptionValues table with the desired options for the selected product and use this table as a value for the LinkedOrderOptions Pseudo-Column during insertion:

INSERT INTO OrderItemOptionValues#TEMP (Id, Value) Values (117, 177);
INSERT INTO OrderItemOptionValues#TEMP (Id, Value) Values (116, 176);
INSERT INTO OrderItems (OrderId, ProductId, QuantityOrdered, LinkedOrderOptions) VALUES (1104, 960, 3, OrderItemOptionValues#TEMP)");

Note: The OrderItemOptionValue inserted to the temporary table must belong to the product that is being inserted into OrderItems. To verify this, check the ProductOptionValues table.

Inserting a New Product

New, custom products, can be added to the OrderItems table as follows:

INSERT INTO OrderItems (OrderId, Name, CustomSKU, PriceIncTax, PriceExTax, QuantityOrdered) VALUES (1107, 'TSS Phone Case', 'PHC-232453', 6.55, 5.75, 1);

Note: OrderItems does not allow for UPDATEs or Deletes. Once items have been added to an order, they cannot be removed or modified.


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] Integer True

Numeric ID of this product within this order.

ProductId Integer False


Numeric ID of the product.

CustomSKU String False

User defined product code/stock keeping unit (SKU).

OrderId Integer False


Numeric ID of the associated order.

Name String False

The product name.

PriceExTax Decimal False

The price of the product, excluding tax.

PriceIncTax Decimal False

The price of the product, including tax.

QuantityOrdered Integer False

Quantity of the product ordered.

QuantityShipped Integer True

Quantity of the product shipped.

TotalExtax Decimal True

Total base price, excluding tax.

TotalIncTax Decimal True

Total base price, including tax.

IsRefunded Boolean True

Whether the product has been refunded.

ExternalId Integer False

ID of the order in another system.

AppliedDiscounts String True

Array of objects containing discounts applied to the product.

BaseCostPrice Decimal False

The product's cost price.

BasePrice Decimal False

The product�s base price.

BaseTotal Decimal False

Total base price.

BaseWrappingCost Decimal False

The value of the base wrapping cost.

BinPickingNumber Integer False

Bin picking number for the physical product.

Brand String False

The product's brand.

ConfigurableFields String False

The price of the product, excluding tax.

CostPriceExTax Decimal False

The product's cost price excluding tax.

CostPriceIncTax Decimal False

The product's cost price including tax.

CostPriceTax Decimal False

Tax applied to the product�s cost price.

Depth Decimal False

Depth of the product.

DiscountedTotalIncTax Decimal False

Represent the correct total amount of the line item after deducting all the discounts and including the tax.

EbayItemId String False

Item ID for this product on eBay.

EbayTransactionId String False

Transaction ID for this product on eBay.

EventDate String False

Date of the promotional event/scheduled delivery.

EventName String False

Name of promotional event/delivery date.

FixedShippingCost Decimal False

Fixed shipping cost for this product.

FulfillmentSource String False

The source of the fulfillment.

GiftCertificateId String False

ID of the associated gift certificate.

Height Decimal False

Height of the product

IsBundledProduct Boolean False

Whether this product is bundled with other products.

NameCustomer String False

The product name that is shown to customer in storefront.

NameMerchant String False

The product name that is shown to merchant in Control Panel.

OptionSetId Integer False

Numeric ID of the option set applied to the product.

OrderAddressId Integer False

Numeric ID of the associated order address. Value is 0 for items that are not fulfilled by a pickup method.

OrderPickupMethodId Integer False

ID of the pickup fulfillment method for this item. Default value is 0 when the item is not fulfilled by pickup method.

ParentOrderProductId Integer False

ID of a parent product.

PriceTax Decimal False

Amount of tax applied to a single product.

RefundAmount Decimal False

The amount to be refunded.

ReturnId Integer False

Numeric ID for the refund.

TotalTax Decimal False

Total tax applied to products.

Type String False

Type of product.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。physical, digital

Upc String False

Universal Product Code. Can be written to for custom products and catalog products.

VariantId Integer False

Products variant_id.

Weight Decimal False

Weight of the product.

Width Decimal False

Width of the product.

WrappingCostExTax Decimal False

The value of the wrapping cost, excluding tax.

WrappingCostIncTax Decimal False

The value of the wrapping cost, including tax.

WrappingCostTax Decimal False

Tax applied to gift-wrapping option.

WrappingId Integer False

The price of the product, excluding tax.

WrappingMessage String False

Message to accompany gift-wrapping option.

WrappingName String False

Name of gift-wrapping option.



Name Type Description
LinkedOrderOptions String

Column for the aggregate table name holding option values.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9111