SSIS Components for BigCommerce

Build 24.0.8963



Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the BigCommerce API to process WHERE clause conditions built with Id, which supports the '=' operator.

The rest of the filter is executed client-side within the 本製品.

For example, the following queries are processed server-side:

SELECT * FROM Channels


To insert a new Channel, you need to specify at least the following columns: Name, Type, Platform, and Status.

INSERT INTO Channels (Type, Platform, Status, Name) VALUES ('pos', 'square', 'active', 'tests');


UPDATE Channels SET Name = 'tests' WHERE ID = 123


Name Type ReadOnly References Description
Id [KEY] Integer True

The ID of the channel.

ConfigMetaAppId Integer False

The unique id given to an app registered in DevTools

sections String False

If set, when the app is loaded within the control panel, the navigation sections will be directly embedded in the control panel navigation

Datecreated Datetime True

Date on which the channel was first create

Datemodified Datetime True

Date on which the channel was most recently changed

Externalid String False

Associated ID within a system / platform outside of BC

Iconurl String False

Link to the platform icon

Isenabled Boolean False

Channel with status of prelaunch, active, or connected will have is_enabled set to true. Channel with status of inactive, disconnected, archived, deleted, or terminated will have is_enabled set to false

IslistableFromUi Boolean False

Indicates if a channel can create listings from the BigCommerce UI. Default value for this field is based on the channel type and platform combination if not specified on create

Isvisible Boolean False

Indicates if a channel is visible within the BigCommerce merchant admin UI (control panel). If false, the channel will not show in Channel Manager nor in any channels dropdown throughout the UI. Default value for this field is true if not specified on create

Name String False

Name of the channel as it will appear to merchants in the control panel

Platform String False

The name of the platform for the channel channel platform and type must be a valid combination

Status String False

The status of the channel channel type, platform, and status must be a valid combination. terminated is not valid for Update or Insert requests

Type String False

The type of channel channel platform and type must be a valid combinations

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963