| |
Date | Build Number | Change Type | Description |
10/23/2024 | 9062 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added the support for the ProductMetafields table.
08/23/2024 | 9001 | BigCommerce | Changed
- Changed the Id column data type in the ProductBulkPricingRules view from String to Integer.
07/16/2024 | 8963 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added support for INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE operations within the Brands table.
- Added 1 new column to the Brands table: SearchKeywords.
- Added support for 2 stored procedures: CreateBrandImage and DeleteBrandImage.
- Removed 5 columns from Pages view: Layoutfile, HasMobileVersion, MobileBody, DateCreated, Feed, and Link.
- Added 1 column to Channellistings table: ExternalId
- Added 1 column to Coupons table: RestrictedToCountries.
- Added 3 column to Currencies table: Enabled, Istrasactional and DateUpdated.
- Added 1 column to Customers table: ChannelIds.
- Added 4 columns to CustomerGeoups view: CategoryAccessCategories, DateCreated, Datemodified and DiscountRulesAmount.
- Added 1 column to GiftCertificates table: CurrencyCode.
- Added 15 columns to OrderShippingAddresses view: BaseCost, BaseHandlingCost, CostExTax, CostTax, CostTaxClassId, CountryIso2, HandlingCostExTax, HandlingCostIncTax, HandlingCostTax, HandlingCostTaxClassId, ItemsShipped, ItemsTotal, ShippingMethod, ShippingZoneId, and ShippingZoneName.
- Added 42 columns to OrderItems table: BaseCostPrice, BasePrice, BaseTotal, BaseWrappingCost, BinPickingNumber, Brand, ConfigurableFields, CostPriceExTax, CostPriceIncTax, CostPriceTax, Depth, DiscountedTotalIncTax, EbayItemId, EbayTransactionId, EventDate, EventName, FixedShippingCost, FulfillmentSource, GiftCertificateId, Height, IsBundledProduct, NameCustomer, NameMerchant, OptionSetId, OrderAddressId, OrderPickupMethodId, ParentOrderProductId, PriceTax, RefundAmount, ReturnId, TotalTax, Type, Upc, VariantId, Weight, Width, WrappingCostExTax, WrappingCostIncTax, WrappingCostTax, WrappingId, WrappingMessage and WrappingName.
- Added 15 columns to the OrderShipments table: CustomerId, ShippingProviderDisplayName, MerchantShippingCost, BillingAddressCity, BillingAddressCompany, BillingAddressCountry, BillingAddressCountryIso2, BillingAddressEmail, BillingAddressFirstName, BillingAddressLastName, BillingAddressPhone, BillingAddressState, BillingAddressStreet1, BillingAddressStreet2 and BillingAddressZip.
- Added 2 columns to the ProductImages table: ZoomURL and TinyURL.
- Added 1 column to the ProductOptions table: Config.
- Added 2 columns to the ShippingConsignments view: City and CountryISO.
- Added 2 columns to the TaxClasses view: DateCreated and DateModified.
- Added 1 column to the Shipping Methods and Shipping Zones view: CUD Operations.
07/05/2024 | 8952 | BigCommerce | Added
05/09/2024 | 8895 | General | Changed
- The ROUND function previously did not accept negative precision values. That feature has now been restored.
03/15/2024 | 8840 | General | Added
- Created a new SQL function called STRING_COMPARE that provides java's String.compare() ability to SQL queries. Returns a number representative of the compared value of two strings
01/02/2024 | 8767 | BigCommerce | Changed
- Made columns Id, ProductId, and OrderShipmentId of table ShipmentItems as Composite Keys as we were getting duplicate values and a combination all three will provide a unique value.
11/29/2023 | 8733 | General | Changed
- The ROUND function doesn't accept the negative precision values anymore.
- The returning types of the FDMonth, FDQuarter, FDWeek, LDMonth, LDQuarter, LDWeek functions are changed from Timestamp to Date.
- The return type of the ABS function will be consistent with the parameter value type.
11/28/2023 | 8732 | General | Added
- Added the HMACSHA256 formatter to allow for secrets to be decoded if it is in base64 format
11/07/2023 | 8711 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added Settings and ZoneId columns to the ShippingMethods View.
10/06/2023 | 8679 | BigCommerce | Removed
- Removed the EventDateFieldName, EventDateType, EventDateStart, EventDateEnd, MYOBAssetAccount, MYOBIncomeAccount, MYOBExpenseAccount,DateLastImported and PeachtreeGlAccount columns from the Products table as these columns now does not exist in v3.
- Added MapPrice, ReviewsRatingSum, ReviewsCount, OpenGraphUseMetaDescription, OpenGraphUseProductName, OpenGraphUseImage, GTIN, CustomFields, PrimaryImageProductId, PrimaryImageIsThumbnail, PrimaryImageSortOrder, PrimaryImageDescription, PrimaryImageImageFile, PrimaryImageUrlZoom, PrimaryImageUrlThumbnail, PrimaryImageUrlTiny, PrimaryImageDateModified, GiftWrappingOptionsType, GiftWrappingOptionsList and BaseVariantId columns to the Products table.
10/04/2023 | 8677 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added ValueDataColors and ValueDataImgUrl columns to the ProductOptionValues table.
08/10/2023 | 8622 | BigCommerce | Removed
- Removed the Name and Type columns from the ProductVariants table as these columns now are not part of the response.
- Changed the LinkedOptionValues column in the ProductVariants table from pseudo column to attribute as it contains values in the response.
07/26/2023 | 8607 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added Id, ProductId, SKU, SKU_ID, Price, CalculatedPrice, SalePrice, RetailPrice, MapPrice, Weight, Calculated_Weight, Width, Height, Depth, Is_Free_Shipping, FixedCostShippingPrice, Purchasing_Disabled, Purchasing_Disabled_Message, Image_Url, CostPrice, Upc, Mpn, Gtin, InventoryLevel, InventoryWarningLevel, BinPickingNumber, LinkedOptionValues columns to the ProductVariants table.
06/20/2023 | 8571 | General | Added
- Added the new sys_lastresultinfo system table.
06/07/2023 | 8558 | BigCommerce | Changed
- Added EmailConsignments, ShippingConsignments, DownloadConsignments, PickupConsignments and ShippingConsignmentQuotes views.
04/25/2023 | 8515 | General | Removed
- Removed support for the SELECT INTO CSV statement. The core code doesn't support it anymore.
03/21/2023 | 8480 | BigCommerce | Changed
- Added CUD operation support to the Coupons table.
03/12/2023 | 8471 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added CustomFieldDiscovery connection property to decide whether to add customfields by name or customfields by id.
12/14/2022 | 8383 | General | Changed
- Added the Default column to the sys_procedureparameters table.
11/11/2022 | 8350 | ODBC | Changed
- Updated embedded JRE to jre8u345-b01 (Linux x64 / MacOS x64) and jre-17.0.5+8 (MacOS aarch64).
11/05/2022 | 8344 | BigCommerce | Changed
- Made columns PriceListId, VariantId, and Currency of table PriceListRecords as Composite Keys.
09/30/2022 | 8308 | General | Changed
- Added the IsPath column to the sys_procedureparameters table.
08/26/2022 | 8273 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added the ProductVariants Pseudo-Column to Products table.
08/19/2022 | 8266 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added the Authscheme Connection Property.
08/10/2022 | 8257 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added the following columns to the Categories table: Views, SortOrder, PageTitle, MetaKeywords, MetaDescription, LayoutFile, ImageUrl, IsVisible, SearchKeywords, DefaultProductSort, UrlPath and IsCustomized columns.
08/04/2022 | 8251 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added the following columns to the Orders table: BaseHandlingCost, BaseShippingCost, BaseWrappingCost, BillingAddress_CountryIso2, DefaultCurrencyCode, EbayOrderId, GeoipCountyrIso2, IpAddress, OrderIsDigital, Status, SubTotalTax, ShippingCostTax, HandlingCostTax, HandlingCostTaxClassId, GiftCertificateAmount, CurrencyCode, CurrencyExchangeRate, CouponDiscount, OrderSource and Products.
- Added the following columns to the Customers table: StoreCreditAmounts, RegistrationIpAddress, AcceptsProductReviewAbandonedCartEmails and ForcePasswordReset.
- Added the ShippingMethods column to the Coupons view.
- Added the ProductTaxCode and ManufacturerPartNumber columns to the Products table.
- Added the Transactions view.
07/20/2022 | 8236 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added the OrderRefunds, OrderRefundsItems and OrderRefundsPayments views.
- Added CUD operation support to the CustomerAddresses table.
- Added custom fields support to the Products table.
- Updated the APIVersion of Pages from V2 to V3.
- Renamed the name of following columns in CustomerAddress table: Street1->Address1. Street2->Address2. State->StateOrProvince. Zip->PostalCode. CountryISO2->CountryCode.
06/23/2022 | 8209 | BigCommerce | Changed
- Updated the PageSize to 250 from 50. This will enhance the Driver's read performance.
05/19/2022 | 8174 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added custom fields support to the CustomersAddresses and OrderShippingAddresses views. The custom fields will be visible when the includeCustomFields property set to true.
- The custom fields for the Customers table will now appear as individual columns instead of as an aggregate.
05/17/2022 | 8172 | ODBC | Changed
- Updated VC++ redistributable Libraries to Microsoft Visual C++ 2015-2022 Redistributable 14.32
04/27/2022 | 8152 | ODBC | Changed
- The installer now installs .NET 4.0 instead of .NET 2.0 during default installation when both are present.
03/10/2022 | 8104 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added support for custom fields on the Customers table.
- Added the Channels and ChannelListings tables.
12/22/2021 | 8026 | ODBC | Added
- Added support for transactions.
11/15/2021 | 7989 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added the DateModified column to the Customers table.
- Added the SiteId, FromPath, ToType, ToEntityId, and ToURL columns to the Redirects table.
- Updated the API endpoints for Customers and Redirects tables to v3.
- Removed the Path, ForwardType, and ForwardRef columns from the Redirects tables since they do not exist in v3.
09/02/2021 | 7915 | General | Added
- Added support for the STRING_SPLIT table-valued function in the CROSS APPLY clause.
08/07/2021 | 7889 | General | Changed
- Added the KeySeq column to the sys_foreignkeys table.
08/06/2021 | 7888 | General | Changed
- Added the new sys_primarykeys system table.
07/29/2021 | 7880 | ODBC | Added
- Added support for the Array data type for the input parameters in stored procedures.
07/23/2021 | 7874 | General | Changed
- Updated the Literal Function Names for relative date/datetime functions. Previously, relative date/datetime functions resolved to a different value when used in the projection as opposed to the predicate. For example: SELECT LAST_MONTH() AS lm, Col FROM Table WHERE Col > LAST_MONTH(). Formerly, the two LAST_MONTH() methods would resolve to different datetimes. Now, they will match.
- As a replacement for the previous behavior, the relative date/datetime functions in the criteria may have an 'L' appended to them. For example: WHERE col > L_LAST_MONTH(). This will continue to resolve to the same values that were previously calculated in the criteria. Note that the "L_" prefix will only work in the predicate - it not available for the projection.
06/16/2021 | 7837 | BigCommerce | Added
- Added PriceLists and PriceListAssignments Views.
05/29/2021 | 7819 | ODBC | Added
- Exposed the InitiateOAuth connection property.
05/26/2021 | 7816 | ODBC | Added
- Added support for the JAVA_HOME setting in the configuration file.
04/29/2021 | 7789 | ODBC | Added
- Added the SqlMaxColumnNameLen connection property.
04/25/2021 | 7785 | General | Added
- Added support for handling client side formulas during insert / update. For example: UPDATE Table SET Col1 = CONCAT(Col1, " - ", Col2) WHERE Col2 LIKE 'A%'
04/23/2021 | 7783 | General | Changed
- Updated how display sizes are determined for varchar primary key and foreign key columns so they will match the reported length of the column.
04/16/2021 | 7776 | General | Added
- Non-conditional updates between two columns is now available to all drivers. For example: UPDATE Table SET Col1=Col2
04/16/2021 | 7776 | General | Changed
- Reduced the length to 255 for varchar primary key and foreign key columns.
- Updated index naming convention to avoid duplicates.
04/16/2021 | 7776 | General | Changed
- Updated implicit and metadata caching to improve performance and support for multiple connections. Old metadata caches are not compatible - you need to generate new metadata caches if you are currently using CacheMetadata.
04/16/2021 | 7776 | ODBC | Changed
- ODBC Drivers on Linux and Mac now depend on the JRE, which brings improved stability and performance.