Cmdlets for BigCommerce

Build 23.0.8839


Returns consignments and their corresponding shipping orders.

Table Specific Information


The 本製品 uses the BigCommerce API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators:

  • OrderId supports the '=' comparison.

For example, the following queries are processed server-side:

SELECT * FROM ShippingConsignments WHERE OrderId = 123 


Name Type References Description
Id Integer ID of the shipping consignment.
OrderId Integer


Identifier for the BigCommerce Order with which this transaction is associated.
FirstName String First name.
LastName String Last name.
Company String company.
Street1 String Street address (first line).
Street2 String Street address (second line).
Country String country
State String State
Email String Recipient?s email address.
Phone String Recipient?s telephone number.
ItemsTotal String The total number of items in the order.
ItemsShipped String The number of items that have been shipped.
ShippingMethod String Text identifying the BigCommerce shipping module selected by the customer.
BaseCost Integer The base shipping cost value.
CostExTax Integer The shipping cost value excluding tax.
CostIncTax Integer The shipping cost value including tax.
CostTax Integer The tax amount on the shipping cost.
CostTaxClassId Integer The ID of the tax class applied to the shipping cost. Ignored if automatic tax is enabled.
BaseHandlingCost Integer The base handling charge.
HandlingCostExTax Integer The handling charge, excluding tax.
HandlingCostIncTax Integer The handling charge, including tax.
HandlingCostTax Integer The handling charge, including tax number.
HandlingCostTaxClassId Integer The ID of the tax class applied to the handling charge. Ignored if automatic tax is enabled.
ShippingZoneId Integer The numeric ID of the shipping zone.
ShippingZoneName String The name of the shipping zone.
ShippingQuotesResources String URL where you can use a GET request to get the shipping quotes for the order consignment.
ShippingQuotesUrl String Path where you can use a GET request to get the shipping quotes for the order consignment.
ZipCode String zip code of the shipping quotes.
ShippingLineItemResources String URL where you can use a GET request to get the shipping line items for the order consignment.
ShippingLineItemUrl String Path where you can use a GET request to get the shipping line items for the order consignment.

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Build 23.0.8839