JDBC Driver for BigCommerce

Build 22.0.8462


Returns data from Products table.

Table Specific Information


To create a new ProductVariant, a set of OptionValues are required to be inserted along with it. This can be done by populating a temporary ProductVariantValues table with the desired values for the option you are creating, and later using this table as a value for the LinkedOptionValues Pseudo-Columns during insertion:

INSERT INTO ProductVariantValues#TEMP (Id,OptionId,Label,DisplayName) VALUES (181,118, 'Elegance', 'Series');
INSERT INTO ProductVariants (ProductId, LinkedOptionValues,SKU) VALUES (955, ProductVariantValues#TEMP, 'DSFMGG');


Name Type ReadOnly Description
Id [KEY] Integer True

The ID of the product variant.

ProductId [KEY] Integer True

The ID of the product.

SKU String False

User defined product code/stock keeping unit (SKU).

Name String False

The product variant name.

Type String False

The product type. One of: physical - a physical stock unit, digital - a digital download.

InventoryLevel Integer False

Available Inventory.

Weight Double False

Weight of this product variant, which can be used when calculating shipping costs.

Price Decimal False

The price of the product variant. The price should include or exclude tax, based on the store settings.

CostPrice Decimal False

The cost price of the product variant. Stored for reference only; it is not used or displayed anywhere on the store.


Pseudo column fields are used to enable the user to INSERT Fields that are non-readable but required during creation of new records.

Name Type Description
LinkedOptionValues String

Column for the aggregate table name holding option values.

Copyright (c) 2023 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 22.0.8462