CData Python Connector for Cvent

Build 24.0.9029


The connector models the data in Cvent as a list of tables in a relational database that can be queried using standard SQL statements.

CData Python Connector for Cvent Tables

Name Description
AttendeeActivities Returns data from the AttendeeActivities table.
Attendees Returns data from the Attendees table.
BudgetItems Returns data from the BudgetItems table.
ContactGroups Returns data from the ContactGroups table.
Contacts Returns data from the Contacts table.
CustomFields Returns data from the CustomFields table.
Events Returns data from the Events table.
EventTransactions Returns data from the EventTransactions table.
Exhibitors Returns data from the Exhibitor table.
Sessions Returns data from the Sessions table.
Speakers Returns data from the Speakers table.
Users Returns data from the Users table.

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Build 24.0.9029