Tableau Connector for au PAY Market

Build 24.0.8963


Retrieve information related to Items.Query, add, update and delete products.


The connector will use the au PAY Market API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • ItemCode column supports the = and LIKE operators.
  • ItemName column supports the LIKE operator.
  • LotNumber, ShopId, SellMethodSegment, PostageSegment, Postage, CategoryId columns support the = operator.
  • LimitedPassword column supports the IS NULL, IS NOT NULL operators.
  • StockCount, PointRate pseudo-column support the =,<,<=,>,>= operators.
  • HasTags, DeliveryId, DeliveryMethodId pseudo-columns support the = operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Items WHERE ItemCode LIKE 'CD001' AND StockCount > 12 AND StockCount <= 30 AND PointRate = 15

SELECT * FROM Items WHERE LotNumber  = 1234455 AND ShopId = '123' AND StockCount = 12 AND PointRate > 12 AND PointRate <= 30 AND HasTags = 2 AND DeliveryId = 'devID' AND DeliveryMethodId = 'devMetID' 

SELECT * FROM Items WHERE ItemName LIKE 'name' SellMethodSegment = 1 AND PostageSegment = 'abc' AND Postage = 'cde' AND CategoryId = 'catID' AND LimitedPassword IS NOT NULL


You can specify all columns that are not readonly. ItemCode is required. ItemSpecifications, ItemOptions, ItemOptionCommissions, ItemImages, ItemDeliveries, ItemDeliveryMethods, Inventory contain information that has also been exposed in subtables with matching names. These values can be specified as aggregated data or taken from temporary tables.

INSERT INTO ItemDeliveryMethods#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber, DeliveryMethodId, DeliveryMethodSeq, DeliveryMethodName)  VALUES ('itCode5', '1', '11', 1, 'methodName')

INSERT INTO ItemDeliveryMethods#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber, DeliveryMethodId, DeliveryMethodSeq, DeliveryMethodName)  VALUES ('itCode5', '1', '13', 2, 'methodName2')

INSERT INTO ItemDeliveries#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber, DeliveryId, DeliverySeq)  VALUES ('itCode5', '1', '11', 1)

INSERT INTO ItemDeliveries#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber, DeliveryId, DeliverySeq)  VALUES ('itCode5', '1', '12', 2)

INSERT INTO ItemOptions#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber, ItemOptionSeq, ItemOptionTitle, ItemOption)  VALUES ('itCode5', '1', '1', 'title1', 'option1')

INSERT INTO ItemOptions#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber, ItemOptionSeq, ItemOptionTitle, ItemOption)  VALUES ('itCode5', '1', '2', 'title2', 'option2')

INSERT INTO ItemOptions#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber, ItemOptionSeq, ItemOptionTitle, ItemOption)  VALUES ('itCode5', '1', '3', 'title3', 'option3')

INSERT INTO ItemSpecifications#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber, SpecificationSeq, SpecificationName, SpecificationValue)  VALUES ('itCode5', '1', '1', 'specname1', 'specvalue1')

INSERT INTO ItemSpecifications#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber, SpecificationSeq, SpecificationName, SpecificationValue)  VALUES ('itCode5', '1', '2', 'specname2', 'specvalue2')

INSERT INTO ItemSpecifications#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber, SpecificationSeq, SpecificationName, SpecificationValue)  VALUES ('itCode5', '1', '3', 'specname3', 'specvalue3')

INSERT INTO InventoryChoices#TEMP (ChoicesHorizontalCode, ChoicesVerticalCode, ChoicesCount)  VALUES ('M', 'Green', 5)

INSERT INTO InventoryChoices#TEMP (ChoicesHorizontalCode, ChoicesVerticalCode, ChoicesCount)  VALUES ('S', 'Green', 2)

INSERT INTO InventoryChoices#TEMP (ChoicesHorizontalCode, ChoicesVerticalCode, ChoicesCount)  VALUES ('M', 'Red', 4)

INSERT INTO InventoryChoices#TEMP (ChoicesHorizontalCode, ChoicesVerticalCode, ChoicesCount)  VALUES ('S', 'Red', 0)

INSERT INTO InventoryVerticalChoices#TEMP (ChoicesVerticalCode, ChoicesVerticalName, ChoicesVerticalSeq)  VALUES ('Red', 'Red', 1)

INSERT INTO InventoryVerticalChoices#TEMP (ChoicesVerticalCode, ChoicesVerticalName, ChoicesVerticalSeq)  VALUES ('Green', 'Green', 2)

INSERT INTO InventoryHorizontalChoices#TEMP (ChoicesHorizontalCode, ChoicesHorizontalName, ChoicesHorizontalSeq)  VALUES ('S', 'S', 1)

INSERT INTO InventoryHorizontalChoices#TEMP (ChoicesHorizontalCode, ChoicesHorizontalName, ChoicesHorizontalSeq)  VALUES ('M', 'M', 2)
INSERT INTO Inventory#TEMP (  StockSegment, InventoryChoices, InventoryVerticalChoices, InventoryHorizontalChoices, ChoicesStockVerticalItemName, ChoicesStockHorizontalItemName )  VALUES ('2', 'InventoryChoices#TEMP', 'InventoryVerticalChoices#TEMP', 'InventoryHorizontalChoices#TEMP', 'Color', 'Size')

INSERT INTO Items (ItemCode, LotNumber, ItemName, ItemOptions, ItemSpecifications, ItemPrice, TaxSegment, PostageSegment, Postage, CategoryId, SaleStatus, ItemDeliveries, ItemDeliveryMethods, description, Inventory)  VALUES ('itCode5', '1', 'name', 'ItemOptions#TEMP', 'ItemSpecifications#TEMP', 2345, 1, 1, '', 37020203, 1, 'ItemDeliveries#TEMP', 'ItemDeliveryMethods#TEMP', 'desc', 'Inventory#TEMP' )


au PAY Market allows UPDATEs for all columns that are not readonly. ItemCode is required. The values for linked subtables can be specified as aggregated data or taken from temporary tables.

UPDATE Items  SET  ItemName = 'name', ItemOptions = 'ItemOptions#TEMP', ItemSpecifications = 'ItemSpecifications#TEMP', ItemPrice = 2345, ItemDeliveries = 'ItemDeliveries#TEMP', ItemDeliveryMethods =  'ItemDeliveryMethods#TEMP', description = 'Desc', Inventory = 'Inventory#TEMP' WHERE ItemCode = 'itCode5'

Batch Update

au PAY Market allows UPDATEs in batches for all columns that are not readonly except ItemSpecifications, ItemOptions, ItemOptionCommissions, ItemImages, ItemDeliveries, ItemDeliveryMethods, Inventory. ItemCode is required.

INSERT INTO Items#TEMP (ItemCode, ItemName, SearchKeywords, PointRate) VALUES ('MD001', 'name1', '<searchKeywords><searchKeyword>abc</searchKeyword><searchKeywordSeq>1</searchKeywordSeq></searchKeywords><searchKeywords><searchKeyword>test</searchKeyword> <searchKeywordSeq>2</searchKeywordSeq></searchKeywords><searchKeywords><searchKeyword>lolo</searchKeyword> <searchKeywordSeq>3</searchKeywordSeq></searchKeywords>', 1)

INSERT INTO Items#TEMP (ItemCode, ItemName, SearchKeywords, PointRate) VALUES ('Code0001', 'name2', '<searchKeywords><searchKeyword>abc</searchKeyword><searchKeywordSeq>1</searchKeywordSeq></searchKeywords><searchKeywords><searchKeyword>test</searchKeyword> <searchKeywordSeq>2</searchKeywordSeq></searchKeywords><searchKeywords><searchKeyword>lolo</searchKeyword><searchKeywordSeq>3</searchKeywordSeq></searchKeywords>', 1)

Update  Items (ItemCode, ItemName, SearchKeywords, PointRate)  SELECT ItemCode, ItemName, SearchKeywords, PointRate FROM Items#TEMP


To delete items singlularly, provide the ItemCode and/or LotNumber

DELETE FROM Items   WHERE  ItemCode = 'itemCode' AND LotNumber = '123'

Batch Delete

To delete items in batches, provide the ItemCode and/or LotNumber

Insert INTO Items#TEMP (ItemCode) VALUES ('it1')

INSERT INTO Items#TEMP (ItemCode) VALUES ('it2')

INSERT INTO Items#TEMP (ItemCode) VALUES ('it3')

INSERT INTO Items#TEMP (LotNumber) VALUES ('lot1')

INSERT INTO Items#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber) VALUES ('it4', 'lot4')

INSERT INTO Items#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber) VALUES ('it5', 'lot5')

INSERT INTO Items#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber) VALUES ('MD001', '9808451')

INSERT INTO Items#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber) VALUES ('MD002', '9808452')

INSERT INTO Items#TEMP (ItemCode, LotNumber) VALUES ('MD003', '9808453')



Name Type ReadOnly References Description
ItemCode [KEY] String False

Product code.

LotNumber Long False

Lot number.

ItemName String False

Product name.

ItemManagementId String False

Product id for management.

ItemManagementName String False

Product name for management.

ItemPrice Decimal False

Selling price.

SellMethodSegment Integer False

Sales methods. 1: Normal sale 2: Reservation sale.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 2

ReleaseDate Date False

Selling date.

ReserveRegistrationDate Date True

Registration Date.

MakerRetailPrice Decimal False

Manufacturer suggested retail price

MakerRetailPriceUrl String False

Manufacturer suggested retail price URL

TaxSegment Integer False

Tax consumtion.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 2, 3

ReducedTax Integer False

Reduced tax rate setting.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 2

PostageSegment String False

Shipping classification.

Postage String False

Extra Shipping.

SellStartDate Datetime False

Sales start date and time.

SellEndDate Datetime False

End of sale date.

CountdownTimerConfig Integer False

Reduced tax rate setting.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 2

SellNumberDispConfig Integer False

Reduced tax rate setting.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 2

BuyNumLimtConfig Integer False

Reduced tax rate setting.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 2

BuyNumMax Integer False

Reduced tax rate setting.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 2

PublicStartDate Datetime True

Publication date and time information.

LimitedOrderSegment String False

The maximum purchase settings category.

LimitedOrderCount Integer False

The maximum purchase count.

Description String False

Product Description.

DescriptionForSP String False

Product description for SP.

DescriptionForPC String False

Product description for PC.

DetailTitle String False

Item details title.

DetailDescription String False

Item details description.

SearchKeywords String False

Search keywords related to the item.

CategoryId String True

Category ID.

CategoryName String True

Category name.

Tags String False

Search tags related to the item.

Jan String False

JAN code.

Isbn String False

ISBN code.

ItemModel String False

Model number.

LimitedPassword String False

Password restrictions setting entry field.

LimitedPasswordPageTitle String False

Password restrictions page title.

LimitedPasswordPageMessage String False

Password restrictions page message.

SaleStatus String False

Sale status.

PointRate Integer False

Point magnification.

FavoriteCount Integer True

My favorite number.

ReceiptRequestCount Integer True

Stock count requested.

StockRequestConfig Integer False

Incoming request settings.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 2

ReturnRequestConfig Integer False

Return application.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 2

StockRequestCount Integer False

Number of arrival requests.

DeliveryLeadtimeId String False

Delivery lead time ID.

ItemSpecifications String False

Aggregated data for item specifications. Readable data found at sub-table with the same name.

ItemOptions String False

Aggregated data for item options. Readable data found at sub-table with the same name.

ItemOptionCommissions String False

Aggregated data for item option commissions. Readable data found at sub-table with the same name.

ItemImages String False

Aggregated data for item images. Readable data found at sub-table with the same name.

ItemDeliveries String False

Aggregated data for item deliveries. Readable data found at sub-table with the same name.

ItemDeliveryMethods String False

Aggregated data for item delivery methods. Readable data found at sub-table with the same name.

Inventory String False

Aggregated data for item stock information. Readable data found at sub-table with the same name.

ShopId String False

Store account.


Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.

Name Type Description
StockCount Integer

Number of items in stock.

HasTags Integer

The presence or absence of tags 1: No tags set 2: Tags have been set.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。1, 2

DeliveryId String

Identifier of the item delivery.

DeliveryMethodId String

Identifier of the item delivery method

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Build 24.0.8963