本製品 はau PAY Market のデータを、標準のSQL ステートメントを使用してクエリできるリレーショナルデータベースのテーブルのリストとしてモデル化します。
CData Python Connector for au PAY Market テーブル
Name | Description |
Inventory | Stock database of nventory data in au PAY Market. Retrieve and update stock information. |
InventoryChoices | Retrieve and update information related to inventory choices. |
InventoryHorizontalChoices | Retrieve information related to inventory horizontal choices. |
ItemDeliveries | Retrieve and update information related to item deliveries. |
ItemDeliveryMethods | Retrieve and information related to item delivery methods. |
ItemImages | Retrieve and update information related to item images. |
ItemOptions | Retrieve and update information related to item options. |
Items | Retrieve information related to Items.Query, add, update and delete products. |
ItemSpecifications | Retrieve and update information related to item specifications. |
OrderItems | Retrieve information related to order items. |
Orders | Retrieve and query information related to orders. |