Tableau Connector for Ponparemall

Build 24.0.8963


Returns stock data from inventory API.


To query from Inventory table you need to specify ItemManageId or InvCntSearchRange filters. The connector will use the Ponparemall API to process WHERE clause conditions built for these fields. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the connector.

  • ItemManageId column supports = and IN operators.
  • InvCntSearchRange column supports the = operator.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE ItemManageId = '12345'

SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE ItemManageId IN ('12345', '123456')

SELECT * FROM Inventory WHERE InvCntSearchRange = 2


To update an inventory item of type Normal Inventory (InvKind=1) you need to specify the ItemManageId. To update an inventory item of type SKU Inventory (InvKind=1) you need to specify the ItemManageId, SkuItemHAxisId and SkuItemVAxisId.

UPDATE Inventory SET InvKind = 1, InvCntDispKind = 2, InvCnt = 10, InvCntUpdateMode = 2 WHERE ItemManageId = '0000000003'

UPDATE Inventory SET InvKind = 2, InvCntDispKind = 2, SkuMarkDispBorder = -1, InvCnt = 55, InvCntUpdateMode = 1 WHERE ItemManageId = 'cdata0003' AND SkuItemHAxisId = 'Green' AND SkuItemVAxisId = 'L'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
ItemId String True

ItemManageId [KEY] String True

InvCntSearchRange String True

InvKind Integer False

InvCntDispKind Integer False

SkuMarkDispBorder Integer False

InvCnt String False

SkuItemHAxisId [KEY] String True

SkuItemVAxisId [KEY] String True

invCntUpdateMode String False

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963