Cmdlets for Ponparemall

Build 24.0.8963


Returns information for order items.


To query from OrderItems table you need to specify OrderNo filter or Date and DateRangeSearchColumn filters. By default, if no filters are specified, the driver will return items for Orders with OrderDate within the last 730 days (the maximum range that it returns records for). The date range you specify can filter based on OrderDate, ShipmentDate or PaymentDate based on the value set for DateRangeSearchColumn filter (respectively 1,2,3). The 本製品 will use the Ponparemall API to process WHERE clause conditions built for this field. The rest of the filters is executed client side.

  • OrderNo column supports = and IN operators.
  • OrderStatus and DateRangeSearchColumn columns support the = operator.
  • Date column supports the >=,<= and = operators.
For example, the following query is processed server side:
SELECT * FROM OrderItems WHERE OrderNo IN ('403593-201811261412-117905', '403595-20181156565-115656')

SELECT * FROM OrderItems WHERE OrderStatus = 'status' AND Date = '2018-01-01' AND DateRangeSearchColumn = 2


To update a specific order item you need to specify the OrderNo and ItemManageId. If you specify only OrderNo in the WHERE clause, all the OrderItem records belonging to that Order will be updated. All the fields that are not readonly can be updated.

UPDATE OrderItems SET taxKind = 3 WHERE OrderNo = '403593-201903261521-121545'


Name Type ReadOnly Description
OrderNo [KEY] String True

OrderStatus String True

OrderItemSubNo [KEY] Integer True

ItemName String False

ItemId String True

ItemManageId String True

HSkuItemId String True

VSkuItemId String True

SalePrice Decimal False

ItemCnt Integer False

IncShippingFlg Boolean False

TaxKind String False

IncCodFeeFlg Boolean False

GetPointRate Integer True

GetPoint Integer True

PurchaseOption String False

InvKind String True

ItemDelFlg Boolean False

ItemTaxRate String False

ItemTaxRateKbn String False

Date Date True

DateRangeSearchColumn String True

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.8963