ODBC Driver for GMO MakeShop

Build 23.0.8839


Returns information regarding orders.


The 本製品 will use the GMO MakeShop API to process WHERE clause conditions built with the following columns and operators. The rest of the filter is executed client side within the 本製品.

  • OrderNumber column supports the = operator.
  • Date column supports the >,>=,=,<=,< operators. When no column filters are specified, we will default to retrieving orders from the last 6 months.
  • Canceled pseudo-column supports the = operator.
For example, the following queries are processed server side:
SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE OrderNumber = 'ORD12345' AND Date >= '2018-09-04 22:54:43+01:00' AND Date <= '2018-09-04 23:54:43+01:00' 

SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE Date > '2018-09-04 22:54:43+01:00' AND Date < '2018-09-04 23:54:43+01:00' 

SELECT * FROM Orders WHERE Date = '2018-09-04 23:54:43+01:00' AND Canceled = 1 


Name Type Description
OrderNumber [KEY] String Order number.
Date Datetime Order date.
Status Integer Order status - 0: Canceled 1: Normal 99: Temporary order.
RepeatSaleCount Integer Number of subscriptions.
PaymentMethod String Payment method.
PaymentMethodType String Payment method type.
PaymentStatus Integer Deposit status - 0: Not received 1: Deposit complete.
OrderMemo String Notes in detailed order information
DetailTotalPrice Integer Total order price.
DetailPricePerTaxRate8 Integer Total price of 8% tax rate.
DetailPricePerTaxRate10 Integer Total price of 10% tax rate.
DetailCommission Integer Settlement fee.
DetailCommissionName String Settlement name fee.
DetailPoint Integer Order points. Displayed when the point grant (rate and amount) is set in the member group setting.
DetailDiscountPrice Integer Discount price. Displayed when the point grant (rate and amount) is set in the member group setting..
DetailCorrection Integer Amendment amount.
DetailCarriage Integer Shipping cost.
DetailCouponName String Coupon name.
DetailCouponCode String Coupon code.
DetailCouponDiscount Integer Coupon Discount Amount.
DetailBulkDiscount Integer Bulk Discount Amount.
ShopPoints Integer Shop use points.
GMOPoints Integer GMO use points.
YahooPoints Integer Yahoo use points.
BuyerId String Buyer ID.
BuyerOfficeName String Buyer company name.
BuyerOfficeNameKana String Buyer company name phonetic.
BuyerDepartment String Buyer department name.
BuyerName String Buyer name.
BuyerNameKana String Buyer name phonetic.
BuyerPhoneNumber String Buyer phone number.
BuyerPhoneNumber2 String Second buyer phone number.
BuyerEmail String Buyer email address.
BuyerZip String Buyer postal code.
BuyerAddress String Buyer street address.
BuyerMembergroupid Integer Buyer member group code.
BuyerMembergroupname String Buyer member group name.
CombinedPaymethodType String Combined payment method.
CombinedPaymethod String Combined payment method type.
CombinedPrice Integer Combined payment price.


SELECT ステートメントのWHERE 句では、疑似カラムフィールドを使用して、データソースから返されるタプルを詳細に制御することができます。

Name Type Description
Canceled Integer Specify this as 1 to acquire canceled orders. Defaults to 0 and canceled orders will not be retrieved.

使用できる値は次のとおりです。0, 1

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Build 23.0.8839