ADO.NET Provider for Apache Kafka

Build 24.0.9062


Specifies how to serialize/deserialize message contents.

Possible Values







The 本製品 uses this property differently based on the value of TypeDetectionScheme. See トピックからのメタデータの抽出 for details on how these properties interact.

Primitive and Complex Formats

This section applies only to the SchemaRegistry, None, and RowScan TypeDetectionScheme modes. MessageOnly always reports the message as a single column regardless of the format. The only difference is the column type.

The 本製品 supports two different kinds of formats: primitive formats and complex formats. Primitive formats are reported in a single column called Message. The primitive formats use encodings that are compatible with the kafka-clients and Confluent.Kafka libraries.

Avro, CSV, CSV_WITH_HEADERS, XML, and JSON are all complex formats. The 本製品 parses these formats into one or more columns, flattening nested Avro, XML, and JSON values as necessary.

Auto is also a complex format but the exact data format is determined at runtime. The 本製品 determines whether a value is Avro, CSV, XML, or JSON by looking for either a specific header (the Avro OBJ header) or specific characters. If none of these methods succeed the 本製品 assumes the value is CSV.

Available formats:

NONE Message is always BASE64 encoded on both the consume and produce operations.
AUTO Attempt to automatically figure out the current topic's serialization format. See トピックからのメタデータの抽出 for a discussion of how this occurs in different contexts.
JSON Message is serialized using the JSON format.
CSV Message is serialized using the CSV format.
CSV_WITH_HEADERS Message is serialized using the CSV format with a separate header line before the data. Note that this option only applies to messages created using INSERT. It behaves the same as CSV in SELECT.
XML Message is serialized using the XML format.
AVRO Message is serialized using the Avro format.
LONG Message is serialized as a 64-bit big-endian integer.
INTEGER Message is serialized as a 32-bit big-endian integer.
FLOAT Message is serialized as a 32-bit floating-point number.
DOUBLE Message is serialized as a 64-bit floating-point number.
STRING Message is serialized as text. By default the 本製品 uses UTF-8, but setting Charset overrides this.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 24.0.9062