ADO.NET Provider for Adobe Analytics

Build 24.0.8963


Query the available metrics in AdobeAnalytics.


Name Type IsDimension IsMetric DefaultDimension Description
Id [KEY] String Unique identifier of the metric.
RSID String Unique identifier of the report suite the metric is in.
Title String The title of the metric.
Name String The name of the metric.
Type String The type of the metric, for example int, percent, currency etc.
Description String A description for the metric.
Category String The category of the metric.
Calculated Boolean Whether or not this metric is calculated metric.
Segmentable Boolean Whether or not this metric is segmentable.
Polarity String Takes two value: positive and negative. Determines if it's positive or not if the metric increases.
Precision Integer The precision of the metric.

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Build 24.0.8963