ADO.NET Provider for Adobe Analytics

Build 24.0.8963


Query the available dimensions in AdobeAnalytics.


Name Type IsDimension IsMetric DefaultDimension Description
Id [KEY] String Unique identifier of the dimension.
RSID String Unique identifier of the report suite the dimension is in.
Title String The title of the dimension.
Name String The name of the dimension.
Type String The type of the dimension. For example string, int, enum etc.
Description String A description of the dimension.
Category String The category of the dimension.
Pathable Boolean Whether or not the dimension is pathable.
Segmentable Boolean Whether or not the dimension is segmentable.
ReportType String The type of the reports in which this dimension is valid.
Support String The type of the reports in which this dimension is supported.

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Build 24.0.8963