Determines how schema files should be generated.
Possible Values
Never, OnUse, OnStartData Type
Default Value
Schema files may be used to give the highest degree of control over the CData ODBC Driver for SAP ERP.
For example, it can be inefficient to retrieve the metadata for the entire SAP system. Or, you may want to only display certain SAP entities. Basic filtering of these entities is possible with the TableMode, QueryMode, and StoredProcedureFilter properties. However, you may need more granular control.
Control Over Individual Schemas
Schema files override the schemas the driver generates when you connect. The CData ODBC Driver for SAP ERP reports views and stored procedures defined in the folder specified by Location. This enables you to work with individual schemas; for example, you can remove an individual schema by deleting its schema file. Or, you can customize how columns are reported.
How to Use GenerateSchemaFiles
Use GenerateSchemaFiles along with Location to specify how files should be generated and where they should be written. Setting GenerateSchemaFiles to OnUse will generate a schema file when a metadata request is made for the specific view. Setting GenerateSchemaFiles to OnStart will attempt to generate schema files for all the views reported on connection open.
Schema files will not be overwritten if they already exist in the Location folder. To pick up changes in the metadata, first delete the schema file.