FireDAC Components for SAP ERP

Build 23.0.8839

Fine-Tuning Data Access

Fine Tuning Data Access

  • UseSimpleNames: SAP ERP supports attribute names with special characters that many database-oriented tools do not support. You can use this property to replace any nonalphanumeric character with an underscore.
  • InitialValueMode: Set this to return null or the exact value returned by SAP for fields that have an undefined or unknown value. By default the component returns null.

Connecting to a Distributed SAP System

If you are connecting to a distributed SAP system, such as a system using load balancing, you must set the following additional properties. An administrator can obtain these connection properties on the Connection tab of the System Entry Properties dialog.

  • SystemId: Set this property to the value in the System Id box.

    The SystemId property is the System Id or R3Name of the SAP system. The system Id is a string with a maximum of three characters.

  • MessageServer: Set this property to the value in the Message Server box. If a value is specified in the SAProuter box, prepend the value in the SAProuter box onto the value for the MessageServer connection string property.

    The MessageServer property must be specified when connecting to an SAP system using load balancing.

  • Group: If a value is specified, set this property to the value in the Group/Server box.

    The Group property specifies the logon group being used. The default in most SAP systems will be PUBLIC.

If you are using a message server service other than HTTP, set MessageServerService.

Connecting to a Custom Application Server

If you are connecting to an SAP system with a dedicated application server or a custom application server, you can obtain the following connection properties on the Connection tab of the System Entry Properties dialog.

  • SystemId: Set this property to the value in the System Id box.

    The SystemId property is the System Id or R3Name of the SAP system. The system Id is a string with a maximum of three characters.

  • Host: Set this property to the value in the Application Server box.

    The Host property specifies the host name of the target system. This value can be a regular host name, IP address, or SAProuter address.

  • SystemNumber: Set this property to the value in the SystemNumber box.

    The SystemNumber property defines the target system.

Configuring Secure Network Connections

If the administrator has configured Secure Network Communication (SNC), you need to set the following additional properties. You can obtain the following SNC connection string properties on the Network tab of the System Entry Properties dialog.

  • SNCMode: If the "Activate Secure Network Connections" checkbox is enabled, set the SNCMode connection string property to True. If this checkbox is disabled, set the SNCMode connection property to False.

    The SNCMode connection property is a boolean value determining if you are using SNC. The default value is False.

  • SNCPartnerName: Set this property to the value in the SNC Name box.

    The SNCPartnerName property specifies the application server's SNC name. For example: p:CN=IDS, OU=IT, O=CSW, C=DE

  • SNCName: Optional. Set this property to the value in the SNC Name box.

    The SNCName property specifies the name of the SNC connection. Set this property to make sure that the correct SNC name is used for the connection.

  • SNCQop: Set this property to the selected option in the Secure Network Settings section. For example, if the Integrity option is selected, set the SNCQop property to 3.

    The SNCQop property specifies the level (or quality) of data protection. If this property is not specified, the integer -1 is set for this property. Valid values are 1, 2, 3, 8, or 9, which correspond to the following protection levels:

    1 Apply authentication only. The identities of communication partners are verified.
    2 Apply integrity protection. The SAP system detects any changes or manipulation of the data exchanged.
    3 Apply privacy protection. This level provides integrity and authentication. The SAP system encrypts the messages being transferred. No one but the two communication partners can read or tamper with the data. This is the maximum level of protection.
    8 Apply the default protection.
    9 Apply the maximum protection.

  • SNCLibPath: Set this property to the path and filename of your SNC library.

    The SNCLibPath property specifies the full path to the security library you are using. For example, C:\Secude\secude.xll.

Copyright (c) 2024 CData Software, Inc. - All rights reserved.
Build 23.0.8839