ODBC Driver for Microsoft Excel

Build 24.0.8963


The Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) for the Excel resource location.

Data Type


Default Value



Set the URI property to specify a path to a file or stream.

Below are examples of the URI formats for the available data sources:

Service providerURI formats
Local localPath/file.xlsx


HTTP or HTTPS http://remoteStream


Amazon S3 s3://remotePath/file.xlsx
Google Drive gdrive://remotePath/file.xlsx
Box box://remotePath/file.xlsx
FTP or FTPS ftp://server:port/remotePath/file.xlsx


SFTP sftp://server:port/remotePath/file.xlsx
Sharepoint sp://https://server/remotePath/file.xlsx

Example Connection Strings and Queries

Below are example connection strings to Excel files or streams.

Service providerURI formats Connection exampleQuery example (if file.xlsx contains sheet1 or streamname1 is a Excel stream)
Local localPath


URI=C:/folder1/file.xlsx SELECT * FROM sheet1
HTTP or HTTPS http://remoteStream


URI=http://www.host1.com/streamname1; SELECT * FROM streamedtable
Amazon S3 s3://bucket1/folder1/file.xlsx URI=s3://bucket1/folder1/file.xlsx; AWSAccessKey=token1; AWSSecretKey=secret1; AWSRegion=OHIO; SELECT * FROM sheet1
Google Drive gdrive://remotePath/file.xlsx URI=gdrive://folder1/file.xlsx; SELECT * FROM sheet1
Box box://remotePath/file.xlsx URI=box://folder1/file.xlsx; OAuthClientId=oauthclientid1; OAuthClientSecret=oauthcliensecret1; CallbackUrl=http://localhost:12345;SELECT * FROM sheet1
FTP or FTPS ftp://server:port/remotePath/file.xlsx


URI=ftps://localhost:990/folder1/file.xlsx; User=user1; Password=password1; SELECT * FROM sheet1
SFTP sftp://server:port/remotePath/file.xlsx URI=sftp://; User=user1; Password=password1; SELECT * FROM sheet1
Sharepoint sp://https://server/remotePath/file.xlsx URI=sp://https://domain.sharepoint.com/Documents/file.xlsx; User=user1; Password=password1; SELECT * FROM sheet1

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Build 24.0.8963