JDBC Driver for CSV

Build 22.0.8462


The Microsoft Jet OLE DB 4.0-compatible extended properties for text files.

Data Type


Default Value



The Microsoft Jet OLE DB 4.0-compatible extended properties for text files. You can specify the format of text files in this property. When processing local files, the format specified for an individual file in Schema.ini overrides the format specified in ExtendedProperties.

The following example can be used to parse all text files in the URI folder as tab-delimited values with headers: ExtendedProperties='text;FMT=TabDelimited'.

Parse .csv and .log files as CSV without headers:

ExtendedProperties='text;IncludeColumnHeaders=False';Include Files='CSV,LOG'
To make the connection string -- which is itself delimited -- easier to read, you can specify IncludeColumnHeaders and FMT. These stand-alone properties are overriden by ExtendedProperties.

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Build 22.0.8462