Query a list of users based on the SearchTerms, Id, or Screen_Name.
View Specific Information
Users may be obtained via a search or specified in a list of Ids or screen names.
SearchTerms may be used to search for users in a method that is similar to the Find People search on Up to the first 1000 matches will be available using SearchTerms.
You can specify either the Screen_Name or User_Id pseudo columns to perform a lookup. Up to 100 screen names or Ids may be specified by using a comma-separated list. Id may also be specified using a comma-separated list and will perform the same lookup.
The Min_Id and Max_Id pseudo columns may be used to narrow down a range of users to return, or to return only recently created users. Ids are created in increasing numerical order on Twitter. Specifying a Min_Id returns only results with a greater Id or tweets that were created more recently than the specified one. Setting a Max_Id returns only tweets that are older than the creation date of the specified Id to return. Note that while these values must be valid, non-negative numbers, they do not have to be Ids that exist.
Name | Type | Description |
ID [KEY] | String | The Id of the user. A comma-separated list of user Ids may be used in the WHERE clause to get data about multiple users. |
SearchTerms | String | A SearchTerms to use while searching users. This can return up to 1000 results. |
Name | String | The name of the user. |
Screen_Name | String | The screen name of the user. |
Location | String | The location of the user. |
Profile_URL | String | The URL for the user's profile. |
Profile_Image_URL | String | The URL for the image of the user. |
Protected | Boolean | The privacy flag of the user. If true, then the user's account is private and only their approved followers can read their tweets or see extended information about them. |
Lang | String | The ISO language code of the user. |
Created_At | Datetime | When the user account was created. |
Friends_Count | Integer | The number of people this user is following. |
Followers_Count | Integer | The number of followers the user has. |
Favourites_Count | Integer | The number of favorites the user has. |
Statuses_Count | Integer | The number of status updates or tweets the user has made. |
UTC_Offset | Integer | The Coordinated Universal Time offset for the user in seconds. |
Time_Zone | String | The time zone of the user. |
Notifications | Boolean | Boolean indicating if the user has notifications enabled. |
Geo_Enabled | Boolean | Boolean indicating if the user has geo-enabled turned on in their profile. |
Verified | Boolean | Boolean indicating if the user account has been verified. |
Following | Boolean | Boolean indicating if the user is following you. |
Contributors_Enabled | Boolean | Boolean indicating if contributors are enabled for the account. Typically used in multiuser accounts. |
Follow_Request_Sent | Boolean | If the user is a protected user, this column indicates if the authenticated user has sent a request to follow them. |
Listed_Count | Integer | The number of public lists a user is listed in. -1 if unknown. |
Is_Translator | Boolean | Boolean indicating if the user contributes to translating Twitter in other languages. |
Description | String | The description of the user. |
Url | String | A URL to the user page on Twitter. |
Default_Profile | Boolean | Boolean indicating if the user is using the default profile design/theme. |
Default_Profile_Image | Boolean | Boolean indicating if the user is using the default Twitter profile image. |
Profile_Background_Color | String | Background color for the user's theme. |
Profile_Background_Image_Url | String | HTTP URL for the user's background image in their theme settings. |
Profile_Background_Image_Url_Https | String | HTTPS URL for the user's background image in their theme settings. |
Profile_Background_Tile | Boolean | Boolean indicating if the user has used the Tile Background checkbox in their theme settings. |
Profile_Image_Url_Https | String | HTTPS URL for the user's profile image. |
Profile_Link_Color | String | Hexadecimal color code for the user's links. |
Profile_Sidebar_Border_Color | String | The sidebar border color for the user. |
Profile_Sidebar_Fill_Color | String | The sidebar fill color for the user. |
Profile_Text_Color | String | The hexadecimal color code for text in the user's settings. |
Profile_Use_Background_Image | String | Boolean indicating if the user is using the background image. |
Show_All_Inline_Media | String | Boolean indicating if the user has enabled viewing all in-line media (pictures, videos, etc). |
Pseudo column fields are used in the WHERE clause of SELECT statements and offer a more granular control over the tuples that are returned from the data source.
Name | Type | Description |
NextPageToken | String | An identifier to retrieve the next page of results. Specify only if an error occurs during the original request. Make sure any criteria specified in the original request are still specified when using the NextPageToken. |
User_ID | String | The Id of the user to return results for. This can be used in the WHERE clause of an SQL statement as a comma-separated list. Only up to 100 user Ids can be submitted per request. |
Min_ID | String | Specifies the lowest Id to return results for. Ids are stored in increasing numerical order, so specifying this value means that only users that are equal to or newer than the creation date of the specified Id will be returned. The Min_Id must be a valid number but does not need to be a valid user Id. |
Max_ID | String | Specifies the highest Id to return results for. Ids are stored in increasing numerical order, so specifying this value means that only users that are equal to or older than the creation date of the specified Id will be returned. The Max_Id must be a valid number but does not need to be a valid user Id. |