FireDAC Components for Twitter

Build 23.0.8839


Query account settings about the currently authenticated user.


Name Type Description
Screen_Name [KEY] String The screen name of the currently authenticated user.
Always_Use_Https Boolean A boolean indicating if the user has specified in their user settings to always use HTTPS URLs.
Discoverable_By_Email Boolean A boolean indicating if the user can be found by email. This can be enabled in the 'let others find me by my email address' check box.
Discoverable_By_Mobile Boolean A boolean indicating if the user can be found by their mobile number.
Geo_Enabled Boolean A boolean indicating if the user has enabled adding locations to their tweets.
Language String The default language code for the user. For example: en.
Protected Boolean A boolean indicating if the user has selected the Protect My Tweets setting.
Show_All_Inline_Media Boolean A boolean indicating if the user has enabled all media to be displayed in tweets.
Sleep_Time_Enabled Boolean A boolean indicating if the user has selected to turn off updates during certain hours if they have added a mobile phone to their account.
Sleep_Time_Start_Time String The start time for the range when Twitter updates will not be submitted to the user's mobile phone.
Sleep_Time_End_Time String An ending time for the range when Twitter updates will not be submitted to the user's mobile phone.
Time_Zone_Name String The name of the time zone the user is located in.
Time_Zone_TZInfo_Name String A more specific location for the time zone the user is located in.
Time_Zone_Utc_Offset Int The Coordinated Universal Time offset in seconds from GMT.
Trend_Location String An XML aggregate of trending locations for the user.

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Build 23.0.8839